5.secret lover

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Love him I got dressed in my school robes and went then I met Mcgonagoll in the stares.

Mcgonagoll: where were you today..
Hermione: I was feeling sick
Mcgonagoll: don't lie to me... Ms GRANGER, I know today it was your first,second and third time..... And I know your patrounos chagned ,you Just have to tell me who is he ...

( Draco was hiding behind the wall and listening )

Hermione :  it is ........a  one and only my Love ........

Before she could finished he turn her into wolf...

Mcgonagoll: ooooh well next lesson we Will using our patrounos. She left

Cedric: Hermione, and turn her back, he cast his patrounos and it was wolf,

When Draco saw this, he was jeales.

He took Pansy in his room and shaged her hard, cuz he knew that everyone Will treat Hermione bether than he would, he knew that he couldn't give her what she needs and this was bothering him.
He was hard shaging Pansy and thinking abouth Hermione, he was meybe falling in Love.

When Hermione saw she knew what will happen next...

She ran into her room and send owl to Ginny..

Ginny came as quick as she could.


Ginny came and I was crying in my bed hoping for him to heard me...
Ginny came and hug me we were Just crying then I ask"Ginny what is up with you "
She looked at me and Said that she and Harry have problems..

Ginny: he said that he doesn't Love me anymore, and he is in Love with Someone else, so that I don't exsist for him anymore like I am dead.😭

Hermiona': plz not abouth dead I have a confession to make you now Fred ....

And then owl came,  and it was not from Draco.

Ginny left....


I opend letter  it was a Love letter but I don't know from who,let me see closeer maybe I willnotice something special abouth it.....

Dear, Hermione

I Love you sooo much but se are like fire and rain ,night and day but se are simular like Bazilisk and lord voldamor.......... I Love you from N.L.

That was wird mmmmmhhhhmmm who is he who is NL.

Declamer soooory Emmma for sooo short chapter but do you know who is N.L. and what is up with Fred and how Did Mcgonagoll knew and who is Harry's Love .....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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