Chapter Three

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My heart begins to race, and my palms feel clammy. This is not what I was hoping for. I wanted to walk the mall or something. Burn calories without feeling bad.

"I don't feel comfortable with that." I say, watching him drive with such ease.

"I promise I'm not a murderer or rapist. You'll be safe with me." He takes his eyes off the road to look into mine.

"I don't know you. At all. Just take me home, please." 

"Are you always this boring?"

"I have to think about my own safety. When was the last time you got in a stranger's car and went to said stranger's apartment?"

"Last night." He says with a grin, and I roll my eyes.

"I've got lots of cool things at my place. Loads of books and movies. Donuts and hamburgers. Let's see, I also have workout stuff and a very comfortable bed." He rambles, but my ears perk up at the mention of workout stuff.

"Do you have clothes I can change into?" 

"Of course." He smiles and presses his foot down on the gas harder.

When we pull up to his apartment complex, I'm impressed that there's a gate to get in. Very fancy. He pulls into a parking space but tells me he has a garage. Like I care. He guides me to his door, 2108, and swings it open for me.

It looks like a guy's apartment. Besides the necessary furniture like the couch and television, the place is pretty bare. Maybe he spent all his money on the apartment and couldn't afford to furnish it.

"Want anything to drink?" He calls from the kitchen, and I realize I'm still standing by the door. I wander into the kitchen which is just as bare as the living room.

"Do you have any diet soda?"

"You really like that, huh?" He chuckles, tossing me a Coke Zero.

"I guess. Why do you ask?" I unscrew the cap and take a greedy gulp.

"You had one at that lame ass party."

"Well, water is too plain, and regular soda is full of sugar." I substitute the word sugar for calories like I always do to keep people from worrying.

"What should we do first?" 

"I don't know." I shrug, "Can I change?"

"Yeah, come on." He says after eyeing my outfit. I glance down at my black jeans and t-shirt I grabbed off the ground. Do I look bad or was he just staring at my fat?

I follow him through a short hallway and into his room. He only has a bed, television, and a dresser. Besides that, I see mountainous stacks of video games beside his Xbox. He throws me a pair of shorts and a muscle tee.

"You can just go in the bathroom, if you want." He waves to the door in his room, and I step through it, shutting it behind me.

As I take my shirt off, I turn my back to the mirror. I will not check my body right now. I'm going to use his workout equipment, anyway, and I haven't eaten at all today. I repeat these justifications over and over until I have all of Harry's clothes on.

"You look good in men's clothes!" He exclaims when I emerge, and I frown, "Well, you, uh, you just look good."

"Alright." I cross my arms, unsure of what to do with myself, and wander out into the living room.

"The room down there is where the workout stuff is. My room has all the video games and movies. The kitchen has the food, obviously." He says, trailing behind me.

I peek into the workout room, "Can I try your eliptical?"

"Sure." He shrugs, obviously nobody has ever come over just to use his eliptical.

I climb on to it and begin swinging my arms and legs, sweat quickly building on my forehead. Harry grabs a remote and turns on the TV that is mounted in the corner of the room. He sits on a bench beside some weights, but instead of lifting them, he just sits and watches the TV.

"This is my kind of work out." He jokes, but I just keep watching the calories burned climb higher.

"How do you have all of this?" I take my eyes away from the machine for just a second to glance at him.

"My parents are loaded." 

"So are Katie's parents."

"What about yours?"

"My family isn't anything. We fluctuate so much. Sometimes I feel like a queen while other times we struggle to buy dinner."

"You still live with them?"

"No, why?"

"You said we. I just assumed." He gets up and stands in front of the eliptical, watching me bounce up and down.

"No, I have an apartment."

"When do you plan on getting off of that thing and hanging out with me?" 

"I don't know. Is there a time limit?"

"I just thought you were here for me, not my workout shit." 

"Fine." I glance down at the calories burned, 206, and climb off the machine. The number burns into my brain. When I get home, I can write it in my weight journal.

"I have alcohol." He wets his lips and smiles at me.

"I enjoy alcohol." I say, but my mind goes on a rampage. Don't forget to check the calories in it!

"Then let's have some alcohol and start having some real fun." 

I follow him into the kitchen and he pulls out two six packs of flavored vodka. Great. At least with normal alocohol, it tastes awful, and you can easily stop drinking. 

"A pack for each of us, yeah?" He carries them into his bedroom and flops on to the bed, turning on the TV.

"What flavor are they?" I sit beside him, careful not to let my huge thigh touch him.

"Cherry lime. Here." He pushes one of the cartons closer to me, and I try to smile. These are my favorite kind. 

"Are we going to play something?" I pop off the top and take a swig from the bottle. Harry pushes a disc in to the Xbox and sits back beside me, opening one of his bottles.

"Oh, we're going to play many games."

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