What i found on sandle beach

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I sat Here on the Sand's of sandal Beach it was calm today, serine a place were I had grown up, made memories. Id loved and lost things,lost. I lost my family. The only people id trade my own life for. Since that day id come out here a week out of every year towards the end of summer and just sit here looking at the ocean. I didnt like crowds. Summers end sent children back to school and tourists back to their home towns. That left me free to sit here like I was. Sitting here alone.
I had come to really hate it here I fantasized about wading into the water deeper and deeper until my head sunk beneath the waves, drowning out what was left of me or maybe packing up and never coming back, but I couldn't leave now and I couldnt swim I'd never learn how it was something I kept to myself not something that other people really needed know. It was the reason I had lost everything that day in this very water i lost my wife and daughter to these waters of sandle beach it hurt every time I looked out into the sea but hurt worse not to look, If I didn't it was like I wasn't even acknowledging that they were gone. I had taken to throwing sea shells into the wave's, not really thinking too much about how long I'd been there. I reared back my arm ready to throw another one, when something out of the corner of my eye  caught my attention. I might have stepped right on it if I hadn't been looked down. It was a little makeshift netting almost like some sort of bag desighned to hold things. I picked it up to further examine the knapsack. Inside was a a bunch of interesting shells, a dead fish wrapped in sea kelp and weeds, and a book. The book was old and washed out the pages long since worn away. It was practically a spine, cover and backing. Nothing more. The bag was probably something someone left behind, over time forgotten.  losing interest i dropped the bag and turned around ready to head back. I heard a small noise, a faint cry. It was almost drowned out by the sound of the waves crashing against the shore but i know I heard it. Peering around I could see nothing. The sky was turning a soft Hugh of pinks and orange signifying that night was swiftly approching. There was that sound again. I whiped my head left to right, still seeing nothing. I peared off into the dark waters and there i saw it. A necklace shimmering in the shallow water washing back and forth in the surf. I stepped forward into the water. This was the first time in 5 years is stepped foot into these salty waters.  The necklace was so close I couldnt resist leaving the dry spot on the beach to retrieve it. Scooping up the necklace I heard the faint cry again. I turned away from the water to hear it better my footsteps carried towards some tall grass. The noise sounded like the cries of an animal but it couldn't be as I pulled away the tall grass what lay on the sand we're too small babies they were clinging to each other as if they hadn't realized they had left the womb the skin seem to be dark almost blue and washed out dry and peeling. my heart started to leap. My chest tightened and my throat started to close up I have never witnessed something so heart-wrenching I would have thought they were dead had they not been crying moments before. Without thinking I scoop them up into my arms one after the other Their little bodies we're so fragile they seem not to like that very much and started to cry louder the sounds were muted like they couldn't hear their own voices I panicked thinking that I have harmed them I wasn't sure what to do so I started walking fast down the beach back to my car I didn't get very far when I glanced down at then their cries got louder I noticed something very wrong the sides of their necks opened up... gills they had gills. On the contrary to how it happened in movies where your head gets all fuzzy and you feel like you're going to faint I didn't feel like that at all I knew exactly what I was looking at and I knew exactly what would happen to them if I took them to the local hospital whatever or whoever left them had probably died they might die too if I left them here. I had to do something I had to try so I fasten them into the car safely as possible and drove home I parked the car in the drive gingerly took them out of the back seat. Their cries low soft, just small koos now. I placed them on the couch and scrambled around looking for blankets and something to keep them warm. I had no idea what the heck I was doing how in the world was I going to help them I didn't even know how to take care of myself. Collapsing onto the ground I put my head in my hands and I sat there for a while things seemed to be a little bit out of control their brought me out of my my head and back into reality and then reality was I had to keep them alive I had to try.

AN: hey everyone this is my story please be kind. I know there are a lot of grammatical errors I will do my best to fix them. If you guys like the story vote and I'll keep posting
Pictures are not mine, Credit to owner.

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