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The two lay wrestlesly. Their muted cries Filling the room as they clung to each other. With just one thought in my head I moved quickly to fill the tub. They must need water. Once filled, i place them in. It was a difficult task. One would bob and sink while i held the other " oh no no no no no." I gasped reaching for the child. "imagine that, neither of you can swim."  I place one on a towel I layed out while I placed the other back into the water. The baby became aggitated something about the water wasnt right. I sighed picking him up.
'Geez'. I thought.
"Are you even a him?"
I sighed running my free hand through my hair, wetting it in the process.
I inspected the small creature his skin a bit less dry large eyes blinking at me and gills opening and shutting rapidly.
Yup deffinitly a boy
He was a bit lighter in color then the other. I places him down and held up the other in the light. If i was going to help them it would be helpful for me to know which was which.  A girl no less she had what seemed to be freckles across her skin. She was much darker  but they were both blueish in color. " alright, now to fix the water." i said to her. I carried her with me into the kitchen. I grabbed the salt. " lets see if this works."
She cooed at me. It made me stop to look at her. I gave a small smile and continued back into the bathroom.
I basically went ham drowning the tub with table salt.
"Here we go."
I picked them up and placed one in at a time, careful to keep both their heads above water.
It happened so quickly, that for a second i didn't register that the two had sprouted tails in my hands. Sharp barbs protruded from under them sticking me
"Ah shit."
I released them and they sunk to the bottom of the tub unbothered.
Although they couldn't swim they blew air bubbles that rippled up to the rim of the tub. Their gills moved indicating that they were breathing.
" I think I need a drink."
I sighed leaning againat the wall.
My head felt funny. I noticed my arms were on pins and needles. They were going numb. just my luck. Their poisonus. I sat there for a minute waiting but it soon wore off and I could feel my arms again.
I leaned over the tub to check on them
Seeming fine I left.
I intered the kitchen pulling the refrigerator door open to grab a beer.
I unscrewed the top and took a long swig . I drank until the small glass bottle was empty.
Breathing yet another sigh i decided to go back and keep watch over the twins.
I wasn't sure how long they needed to be left in the salty solution. To be honest i  the table salt worked. I was just going off all the bullsh*t movies ive seen. 
I camped out in a chair overlooking the tub. I watched them until I started nodding off.


I woke up with a start. My heard hurt like hell. Must have fallen out if my chair.
I took a second to rub my head with an open palm. I dragged my hand down the length of my fave an sat up. My watch read 2:46am.
I looked over into the tub
Frantic bubbles sprang up from the bottom.
I lifted both babies out from the tub, getting my sleeves wet in fhe process.
Their mouthes gapped and tails flapping around. Slowly their tails shrivled up and legs replaced them. Their color fadded and they werent so blue anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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