chapter 4 good bye dad

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After I met Javier I kept thinking about the vampyre, that is what he called the thing I saw .

That was a few days ago and now I'm on my way to a location where he said to meet him to discuss something about my past .

Also there would be someone also there to discuss the conversation about my past and what I must do .

I'm both excited and nervous to know about my past what if I witnessed something horrible and that affected me to loose my memories of it but it doesn't explain what dad showed me .

So maybe I was part of one experiment and it involved the cocoon of web that I was inside of, I was super nervous if I'm coming up with all these scenarios in my head.

That's when we arrived at the location to talk about my past and what my mission is but before that I heard a song coming from somewhere far away but I could still hear it "who's that singing ",I asked I knew what they were thinking when I asked that question. they know who the person singing is. But they decided to that a secret for now.

But before they were going to tell me everything something came up and it had to do with the creature I saw from school that day.

And they found out that my dad was injured by that thing and was taken by a group of government agents .

So we went to the place where they had taken him and we had run in with the creatures and but still went on to find him .

After we defeated the creatures we went to get my dad but he was attached to some things which had blood inside them so they were doing some sort of transfusion, and we deattached him and we were going to the exit but we faced another monster but something happened my dad's arm changed to the creatures arm so he told me "hurry put your blood in the sword and hand it to me I'll deal with this one ".

I was confused and shocked that my dad was turning into a creature but I did what he said and handed him the sword with my blood and he stabbed it and then it collapsed.

After the monster collasped my dad started coughing up blood and I started to worry ,"dad what's wrong "I said ,he said "I'm changing fast into that thing listen carefully I need you to stab me with your blood " .

"There's no way I can do that", I said, because he is still my dad I could never kill him .

But I also couldn't let him become one of those things so I had to kill him while he was still my father ,my eyes were getting teary and I let my blood touch him on the wound and he said loved me and always will.

After that we exited the facility and I started to cry my eyes out and screamed out loud because I would never see my father ever again.

After what happened I fell asleep crying. And then when I woke up my brothers came to me asking what happened to father and why he wasn't with us, I just gave them back sad look and they knew what that meant.

So I thought about telling them what I am at the right time and what really happened to father .

"So that's what happened when we were getting dad out of there ". They just sat there shocked and then they hugged me because they knew that was really hard for me to do.

A few days later we started to clean up the restaurant and the bar and we would work there for him ,also my big brother was going to be the man of the house for now and take care of us ,but soon after I saw the government agent who was with my father and he a serious face meaning it's time for the mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14 ⏰

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