chapter One-Rena

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This story is about about me, my name is Rena and I'm a vampire who slays creatures of my own species. The nonhuman creatures who lives off the blood of Humans, but I'm going to tell you the story from the beginning.It was on a sunny day and I was practicing for my school's tournament we are having.

My friend Rachel was helping me practice the high jump that will be in the tournament tomorrow. The other events will be the long jump,track,and then we have the sport events."You got this Rena",said Rachel. I breathed in and out then I started to run feeling the wind against me as I get closer to the beam I jumped up then landed on the mat.The beam went down,so I didn't make it.Rachel said ,"Aww so close, if you just had your butt a little higher than you could have a school record".

"Thanks Rachel for the advice", I said.

I heard my stomach growl and Rachel said,"Are you hungry"? I think she heard it too if she asked that, my face was red in embarrassment.15 minutes later we got our lunches from our lockers and sat under a tree to eat. Rachel said,"so how's your father doing in pub","He is doing fine keeping it up by himself, sometimes I help out",I said."Well how's your brother doing did he get into a fight again", Rachel said.

"No,not really but still he sometimes does comes home with cuts and bruises, and that was last week"I said . "How come you don't eat before you train"? Rachel said,"I don't like to train on a full stomach", I said. I finished my lunch then stretch a little bit then my brother came to pick me up.

"Come on its time to go to the clinic for your check up",he said. I know what your thinking why I go to the clinic sometimes , well it's because I have trouble remembering my past after an accident when I was a child and I don't remember my real birth parents or what happened to them.

But that is what they said happened to me but I honestly don't remember anything.On our way to the clinic we passed the ocean ,then I was resting on the bed at the clinic and trying to remember my past but sadly nothing.Then as I walked passed a tall man all of a sudden I see myself in a dress going toward a door, then I asked him what was his name but before I did he disappeared.
After the clinic I went home to help my dad with the bar then I looked in my training bag and my track shoes were not there so I asked my dad if I could go get them as I walked out it was night so I climbed over the fence and went to get my shoes that were under the tree ,as I got something dripped on me I looked at shoulder and it was BLOOD! I looked up and it was a a creature with a teacher in it's mouth,"AHHhhh"! I screamed and ran then I saw a man the same man at the clinic standing at the end of the hall and I saw a dagger he was holding and threw it at the creature like he knew it there or was going to be at the school,he took my hand and we hid, then he started to cut his hand and the blood was dripping down and put it close to my mouth but I got away and asked,"What are you doing? Therefore he said,"It's time for you to awaken".

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