Chapter 26 - severed head and white powder

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At first I projectile vomited in the sink. I'll spare you the gory details but it was loud and so long everyone came to check up on me. My mom fainted and v started sobbing uncontrollably and liv started crying as she was confused. My dad was the only one who wasn't badly affected. Sure, it effected him but there was no way he was going to show it. He pretended everything was ok. It wasn't. He laid my mom on the sofa and props her feet up. He puts gloves on and goes into the box. He pulls out a white baggie full of powder.
"What the fuck." I say.
"We have to call the police." V says.
I nod and call them and both Keller boys take everything away. I was shaking. I hated blood and I don't understand why they were sending this shit to me. What made it worse is that it wasn't in my PO box but instead it was in my doorstep.
V tried to talk but all i saw was her lips moving. I didn't hear her. I collapse. Into darkness.

Veronica's pov
Shit is getting crazy. I swear everyone has something to get rid of the Andrews family. I sigh.
"Archie..." I start. He's staring at me blankly. "Archie!" I say as his body hit the cold hard kitchen floor. I pick him up, sobbing. I needed him right now.
I hold him close to me.
"He's just fainted." Mary says and Fred carries him to the sofa.
"He'll be fine. Just make sure he eats and drinks when he wakes." Liv says. I look at her.
"You Know first aid?" I ask.
She nods. "I have to."
I didn't question it. I kiss her forehead and send her to play. I grab my notebook.
"Mary, Fred." I say.
They look at me.
"I'm planning an adult party." I smile.
"Who'll look after liv?" Mary asks.
"Well uh amber." I shrug. "I remember her saying she hates parties."
"Okay well when?" Fred says.
I think.
"I dunno." I say. "Maybe next month." 
"Okay well... don't make it too crazy. I'm due in three weeks Veronica." Mary says. If I'm honest I forgot about Mary being due soon. She could basically have a baby at any time. When Archie came round, I gave him some milk and cookies. I leant against him as he ate in silence.
"I want a baby archiekins but every time the test is like nope."
"Maybe your body doesn't wanna work that amount yet. I know we're mentally ready but maybe the baby is waiting until we are physically ready meaning that your body can finally carry a baby." He shrugs. Has Archie Andrews just said something smart?
"I love you Archie Andrews." I smile.
"I love you more Veronica Andrews." He says, kissing me.
Liv walks in.
"Ewwww mommmmmm Archie and Veronica are being all kissy kissy" liv says, running off to Mary. Archie breaks the kiss, laughing kind of, you know, like spitting in my mouth by accident. I curl my nose up.
"Water fountain." I say, getting up helping Mary make dinner. Organic again. Archie will be 'impressed'. Well if you consider him making a mountain of food impressed. I prefer artistic which annoys him, I like that.
Fred goes behind mary, wrapping his arms round her torso. She smiles, looking up at him. Liv sighs.
"Too much love in the house. I can't." She goes off to play with Archie, who's sat watching MLG Peppa pig. I switch it off. Seriously arch. He looks at me.
"What?" He groans.
"Sesame street is more appropriate." I say.
He rolls his eyes putting it on.
Liv sings along. She was pretty good.
Archie sits singing along with her, while working on something.
"How do you even know that?" I ask him. 
"You judging me Veronica?" He says.
"Nope. It's organic foods for dinner tonight." I giggle.
He walks to the kitchen.fred throws him a beer.
"Archie come with me." He says. I try and follow but Fred stops me.
"It's construction." Fred says and I nod, going to help Mary.

Archie pov
I follow my dad.
"Archie I lied to v." Dad says, in the safety of the garage. "But I had to."
"Okay? Why did you have to?"
"I got something weird today." He says.
"You sent it to Sherriff Keller didn't you?" I say.
"Of course not. I'm not stupid. It was typed and I dusted for fingerprints before I even took it out properly. Nothing."
"That's weird."
"Yeah arch but read it." He passes it me and a lot of powder falls."
It was addressed to me.
It read.
I'd hate for you to read this but just know your life is almost over. Your wife's. Your children that you still are yet to bore. I mean I guess it's just unfortunate because you're too young. The head in the package you are yet to receive is Nicholas Gregnor. Just so you know I'm legit. Nick was just like you. An idiot with too much money and too much to say. One day you'll know who I am. But it'll be too late then. See you my old friend. I'm sure the fans won't miss y'all.
I stand back astounded by what I've read. It wasn't wrong but what they said was out of line. You can hurt me but if you touch my family, I'll kill you.
"I'll protect you Archie but I need you to have this." He hands me a gun and my hands trembles. I take it in both hands and put it into my back pocket.
"Only self defence, okay?" Dad says.
I nod. I sit on the car bonnet of the old car we were fixing.
"Archie, you need to hide away in the day. Your mom knows. She'll protect v and Liv. You can come with me, work in construction."Dad suggests and I nod.
"Okay Dad."
"Dinnnnnerrrrrr!" V shouts and I walk out the garage, putting the gun in the back of my pants and walk to the house. Dad follows and we go sit at the table where Moms sat quiet. She shuffles uncomfortably.
"You okay?" Dad says. She nods.
She smiles, holding my hand.
"I am now my favourite boys are back."
V plates everyone some food and we all sit to eat. I poke mine around a bit and tell my mom that it's great as I usually do. I eat a little bit because I'm hungry, while pretending it's some of pops' onion rings. V smiles at me, as she's eating this crap. She loves it. When we finish, everyone has almost completely empty plates. I usually love what my mum cooks but some of this organic crap goes too far. I help my mom load the dishwasher and she bends down to put something down she quickly shoots up. She looks at me, who stands slowly, then to dad, then to v.
"Uhmmm sorry I kinda wet myself." She holds her stomach, wincing.
"Mary, you didn't wet yourself. The baby is coming early." Dad says as he runs to grab her hospital bag.
Sorry my dudes I've been busy. But as promised like two weeks ago it's here. While you wait y'all should read Joseph Evans' book the seckry sequence. Book one, city of the falling sky and book two, the trinity awakening are both published here on wattpad so pls do urself a favour. Book one is also free on iBooks. To be honest when I get chance to write, block. But I'm back With ideas. Enjoy and ily all. See u soon.
Ella xxxxx

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