-Part 11-

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A/N: Korean will be typed like this. English will be typed like this. For thoughts,like 'this'.)

3rd Person

The police surrounded the Mansion, the house they believe Ollie is in.And instead of simply knocking they busted the doors and windows in, making a attempt to get in. They fought with bodyguards but once guns were drawn, all fighting stopped and the guards all released their weapons and lined up in a neat line against the walls. The leader of the police demanded to know were Ollie was.

A mam with a hat and mask came out of the line, he raised his hand and said "Oliver? The grandson of this establishment?"

The police where puzzled and felt like they literally just got off a rollercoaster. "Grandson?"

"Yes, my grandson" A older man said as he appeared from a corner with his hands behind him wearing a smirk. "My grandson, was just sent home infact. And if you wanted in, you should of just knocked like civilized people. Not breaking my house"

Most of the police men bowed in respect but not the leader.

"Do you have proof? Ollie being your grandson or at least that he was sent home?"

"Ah.. yes of course" the man snapped his fingers and a other man brought out a picture of Ollie as a child, and he even dialed someone on the phone. "You're returning Ollie, correct?

"Yes, I am sir"

"I believe that's all you need, right? So why don't you all leave, you're disturbing my peace"
He was prepared for accusations and he was not going to ruin his reputation because of that ignorant child.

The police men left. They quietly and embarrassedly went to their cars. All expect for one. He was not embarrassed , he was pissed. He knew something wasn't right and he was going to get to the bottom of this. His name was Jackson.


Ollie POV

I sit quietly in the car, waiting for the next turn. The turn that will lead me to the dorms. I watch as the lights of the city seem so happy and cheerful, its a shame they don't see what actually happens. The bad things. The car turns and we reach the security gate. The man lets us in after seeing my face and whispers something into a microphone.

The car moves forward, and I clutch my knees in my chest. Waiting..

The car stops and before I could do anything, the doors burst open with a loud bang. Showing cops with their guns pointing towards the driver. I wanted to say "SHOOT HIM!" but I didn't. I made a promise with Grandfather and I wont break it.

The police men made both of us get out of the car. And before I knew it, I was kinda tackled by the boys until I screamed in pain when they accidentally hit my ribs. They stared at me with confused looks and before long, I was inside waiting for the police to finish their questioning.

"Name? Age? DOB? And SSN?"

"Lee SungHoon,15, July 17th 2004, 67XX-86XX"

"And Lee Hyun-Suk is your grandfather?"


"And you stayed with him and nothing happened there?" Officer Jackson asked with curiosity.


"Are you sure"

"NOTHING HAPPENED!" the Officer shot back after my outburst with a now serious look.

"Okay, why dint you let the paramedic check and we can leave"

"No" I cant let them. They will see my marks and worse they might find out..I am a girl.

"Why? Just a little look"

"I SAID NO!" Now everyone in the room looked at me and the boys with concern.

"Okay, we'll leave then. Boys if anything happens feel free to call~" He handed a paper to Namjoon.

I watched as the men left and felt people staring at me. Taehyung ran up to me. "You should of told us!" "Yeah! We thought something bad happened" Jimin piped in. "Seriously though Ollie, You should be more responsible" Namjoon said as he walked down the hallway with the boys following him.

I stood up and walked to my room. And laid on my bed, closing my eyes. "What did I get myself into?"


(A/N: Sorry that it's late but I was very sick and still am 😷😅. Anyway I decided to write a few other books. I don't what their theme will be or what they will be about but Ill figure it out soon. Thanks and don't forget to vote! 🤗

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