-Part 12-

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A/N: Korean will be typed like this. English will be typed like this. For thoughts,like 'this'.)
~Namjoon POV~

Ollie has been very very distant. Like to the point where he wont even talk anymore. He stopped eating and wont sleep anywhere but in the recording room.

And he keeps having mental breakdowns.  He screams, yells and has a tantrum like toddler. Its a problem. He wont let us touch him or even talk to him.

We have our first concert tomorrow and with all the dance practices he missed. Im afraid ARMY will be upset with our performance. We already delayed our comeback so much that it has to be tomorrow and that's final.

I just hope that Ollie can be our Ollie again.

I walk down the hallway and see Ollie's bedroom door open.

"Ollie?" I walked inside the room and turned on the lights. I looked around and found no one. I went to turn around but I heard something from the bathroom. "Ollie? That you?" I said walking towards the bathroom door. I knocked on the door, the light inside turned off and I heard many noises. "OLLIE?" I opened the door and ran inside turning the light one.

What I saw was too disturbing. I immediately called for help. I didn't know what to do in this situation.
Jin came rushing into the bathroom followed by the others, yelling out commands. But I just stood there, shocked. Thinking about nothing. Nothing.

I was completely oblivious.

~ Jin POV~
"JIN! HURRY!" I heard Namjoon yell. I immediately ran towards the yelling. He has never yelled like that, not with fear.

I ran into the room and past Namjoon with jimin behind me.
"JIMIN GET TOWELS! JOON CALL A AMBULANCE!" I put a wash cloth on Ollie's wrist trying to stop the bleeding. He had been cutting himself and we didn't even know. I was too busy trying to stop the bleeding to even realize Ollie's upper half cover in bruise and cuts. Let alone Namjoon who just stood there.

"Hyung I called a ambulance, they said they are on the way" jimin said giving me a few extra towels with the other boys behind him.

"We need to move him"  I said picking Ollie up and pushing Namjoon out of his trance. I laid Ollie on the bed and before long, I could here people coming up the stairs.

~~ Huge Time Skip ~~ Ollie POV~~

When I woke up, I was in a hospital. I immediately freaked out. I sat up and then laid back down in pain. My body hurts so bad, but I need to figure out if they know.

A nurse came in and sat down next to the bed. "Don't worry Mr.Lee, you will heal with rest"  M-Mr Lee? She doesn't know?!? Then the door opened. A familiar face came in.

"Ollie, how long has it been?"
"Yep! But Dr in public" It was my uncle, a wave of relief came over me.
"Nurse you can leave, we need to talk in private" The nurse nodded and left the room.

"Well I did what I could to keep your gender a secret, but"

"But what?!?"

"Someone figured it out, you should tell him yourself"

"Who?!" Just then the door opened and Jin came in.

"Ollie, why did you lie?" Then tears started to form at the edges of my eyes. I gripped my sheets tightly.

"I didn't mean to. R-Really I...I am s-sorry" I said.

"I am not mad, your uncle explained a little. I know you were born this way. But why not tell us? The boys wont be mad they love you"

"Its not true" I whispered so he couldn't hear me. "You wont tell them will you?"

"I wont but you will..When you feel like it... But for now your still my little brother" he smiled and rubbed my head. "Well in the end, we wont have to perform until next week. Congrats you got your wish!"

"Sorry,  I didn't mean to."

"Its okay, I guess we could all use a little break before the comeback. Just promise me one thing."


"You wont cut.. it makes us worry and sad. And really affects some of us personally"

"I wont" I said holding out my pinky. He grabbed it and we made a pinky promise. I smiled and the other guys eventually came in with Yoongi complaining about how bad the cafeteria food is. I laughed. For once I laughed truly. I was happy.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I make sure the next one is extra long. Anyway if you liked this don't forget to vote!

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