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On Saturday, I didn't sleep in very long because I was so excited about going out with the Schuyler sisters. It had been years since they'd actually played the parts, but it was easier to say than Renee, Jasmine, and Pippa. I showered and dressed, skipping around the house. Okay, not exactly skipping, but I had a pep in my step. I hadn't felt excited about anything for quite a long time.

I gave my dad a hug for no good reason and was humming. Around 11:00, I headed out to meet at the diner we'd all agreed on for lunch. They were treating.

When I arrived, Jazzy and Renee were already there. They looked gorgeous, as always. They were so stylish. Both of them stood up and gave me a hug, squealing a little bit. It had been too long since we'd been together. When dad found out about me, they'd taken me under their wings somewhat and stood up for me. On a few occasions, I think they intervened with dad on my behalf. Girl stuff he didn't quite understand.

"You look good!" Jazzy told me. I'd scoured my closet that morning to find something stylish. It was hard to keep up with them. Pippa showed up a few minutes later in a beautiful dress.

During lunch, it was all catching up, gossip, and giggling. We were sharing photos, passing our phones back and forth. They didn't bring up anything serious, which I appreciated. I'm sure it would come at some point during the day, but for now I just wanted to feel good.

After lunch, we were on a mission to shop. Dad had given me his credit card, but had given me a strict limit of $200. If I wanted to go over, I had to call him. I had a little allowance money saved up as well.

We hit up store after store. It was so nice to have them there to give me advice. They picked stuff off the rack I never would have thought of. They knew what accessories to pair with what. Soon, I had reached my $200 limit and spent most of my allowance. Time to call Dad.

I don't think he was surprised to get my call.

"How much?" he answered.

I laughed. "Dad! What makes you think I want more money?"

"You never call me," he said, which was true. We were texters. "How much?"

"About $75?"

He whistled. "Text me a pic."

We hung up and I took a picture of the dress I wanted and sent it. He said it was okay so I bought it.

After shopping, we deposited our bags at Jazzy's apartment, which was nearby. Then, we went for a walk in Central Park. The weather was beautiful. We walked and chatted for a while, then decided to sit down on a park bench together. The subject matter was light for a while, but then they got into the ugly stuff.

"So, are you doing okay, Nora?" Renee asked me, looking concerned. "This stuff going down isn't cool."

I sighed, knowing this talk was inevitable. "I was so stupid. I never should have sent that picture."

"You thought you were sharing it with one person," Pippa interjected. That boyfriend of yours was a jerk for sending it to his friends. So immature."

"I know," I said.

"You broke up with him, didn't you?" Jazzy asked.

"Of course," I said. "He's history."

"I'm so sorry this happened to you," Pippa said, putting her hand on my arm. "You've been through so much."

"Thanks," I said quietly. "I'm just hoping it will blow over soon."

"I can't believe people were posting it on social media," Renee said. "I mean, have some decency. You're only fifteen."

It felt good that they were as equally disgusted as me. They were like my big sisters, and it felt good they had my back.

"Thanks for posting for me," I said. "That meant a lot."

"Of course," Jazzy said. "We're always there for you. How are things at school?"

"People are giving me looks still," I said. "But people aren't really saying anything anymore. I punched a girl the other day for making fun of me."

Jazzy snorted with laughter. "I'm sorry," she said. "I know your dad wouldn't like me saying this, but that's awesome. Way to stand up for yourself."

"Thank you," I said, glad that she saw my approach as legit.

We chatted a bit more about the situation. They made me feel like I wasn't such an idiot. I had shared that picture in confidence and he had completely broken my trust. I had learned my lesson for sure. No more nude photos.

We stood up and then went to a nail salon to get pedis. It was back to laughing and joking around. It was the best day. On the way home, we grabbed our bags from Jazzy's and stopped by Starbucks. They all walked me home and came in for a while to visit with Lin and Vanessa.

They gave him hell, as usual, telling embarrassing stories from their Hamilton run. I loved seeing dad blush in embarrassment. Hamilton was before I knew dad. After they'd left, Vanessa wanted to see all my new outfits. I went into her room and modeled each one for her. She approved of all of them and thought they were good picks. I found a spot for them in my closet and they went out to the living room to hang out with the boys while dad cooked dinner.

I felt like a weight had been lifted from me. Nothing had really changed, other than my drama had had a few days to calm down and I'd hung out with the Schuyler sisters. I laughed with the boys and let them crawl all over me. They didn't want to stop for dinner time, but I was definitely hungry. After they'd been put to bed, I relaxed on the couch with Dad and Vanessa for a movie.

"You seem better," Vanessa commented when we took a bathroom break.

"Yeah, I feel better," I admitted.

"Those Schuyler sisters," she commented and I smiled.

"Hey, if you ever need to get away I'm always here for you too," she said. "I love a good pedicure."

I smiled and promised to take her up on her offer. Exhausted from my day, I fell asleep on Dad's lap. When he tried to wake me up to go to bed, I just grumbled and didn't move so he'd be forced to carry me to bed. I grinned a little when I felt him scoop me up and carry me in. He tucked me in and kissed my forehead.

"Love you, Daddy," I mumbled.

"Love you too, baby," he said. "Good night."

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