Chapter 1 - The Train Ride

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I was nervous. What if everyone laughs at me? What if I'm just a fool for being the only witch from a non-magical family? I thought as my family bid me adu. "Oh, Veronica! We are so happy for you!" Mother says to me. I smiled as she handed me my Snow Owl I named Snowflake.

"Thanks, Mother" *train whistle blows* The whistle blew loudly in my ear alerting me it was time to leave for my new home. "Bye, Mother! Bye, Father! Bye, Lillian!" I said as I pulled myself onto the train. I saw Lillian's fingers move as her way of saying goodbye to me as she is too wrapped up in her favorite book to know and/or care that I'm leaving and would not be coming home for a long time.

Knowing I had to meet people, I desperately wished to find a chair where I could be alone. I began looking through train cars on the train however, all cars were full with people who seemed much older than I. I open one door and see two boys sitting and talking with one another.

"Hello," I said sweetly not wanting to have to sit with the older mates and hopefully get them to let me sit.

"Hi!" the one with black hair and glasses says to me. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter. You are?" he says stretching his hand out to me with a smile on his face.

"I'm Veronica, Veronica Spice," I say as we both beamed at each other.

"Nice to meet you, Veronica... that's Ron Weasley by the way." Harry says for the boy sitting across from him with red hair and a hand-me-down robe.

"Pleasure!" I say as Ron smiled up at me with one of those chocolate toads in his mouth. "Would you mind if i sat with you? All other cabins are filled." I asked batting my eyes.

"No! Of course not!" Ron and Harry said together chuckling and making room for me to sit. Laughing along, I sat down next to Harry.

We spent time talking about the muggles, which I learned were my family, non-magic folks since Harry was raised by muggles as well, his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon along with his cousin Dudley, and Ron's father, Arthur, worked in the Muggle's department of the Ministry which I learned is the Wizarding government. As we pulled from a tunnel I saw the gorgeous green scenery of my new home and a castle in the distance.

"I'm nervous. What if I don't belong? What if my parent's won't be proud of me?!" I say panicking about my future year at Hogwarts. Harry turned to me and began stroking my back.

"Don't worry, Veronica," Harry says, "We are starting the same way, we will get through it together as a team." He said as I chuckled.

"Yeah, and if anything, my brother's can help us out! Fred and George are the funny ones, Ginny will be a first-year next year and Percy's quite the stick in the mud who's a prefect this year," He groaned as we both chuckled. I quickly pulled out a book about wizard history and found what a prefect is. "Bill and Charlie left the nest and are out, living their lives," He said as I nodded to him.

"That's bloody brilliant, Ron," I said as he chuckled.

"Thanks!" He said as he then gasped. "I learned a trick from my brother, Fred," Ron said as he pulled out his wand. Just then the doors open to a girl with frizzy, dirty blonde hair and a lovely smile. "Has anyone seen a toad?! A boy named Neville lost it," she says. I looked at Harry and Ron who both shrugged.

"No, sorry," I said as she looked at Ron's hand.

"Are you doing magic?!" she asks happily. "Let's see then!" she tells him in demand. He repeats some chant that does absolutely nothing. I chuckle as well as Hermione as she sat next to Ron and stared straight at Harry.

"Oculus reparo," She says waving her wand at Harry's glasses. I looked and saw that Harry's cracked, shattered glasses began to repair themself and go back to being in perfect condition with not a scratch on them. I looked at her in shock. "As a muggle-born, I tried to get ahead since many probably had a head start as babies," She said as she stuck her hand out. "I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger... you are?!" She asks shaking our hands.

"I'm Veronica Spice, this is Harry Potter and Ron Weasley," I say to her matter-o-factly as Ron and Harry smile and wave at her.

"Pleasure," She says as she begins to head out. "Oh, and may I suggest get into your robes! We shall be arriving soon!" Hermione says running off. I chuckled as I grabbed my robes from the compartment above me and walked to the women's room to change into them. I slipped into my black robe and charcoal gray skirt with my shirt and tie. I pulled my long blonde hair out from the ponytail it was once in and let if fall to frame my face. I smiled as the train came to a stop.

You can do this!

AN -

Hello Beautiful reader! I am editing this book up and making it much better than it was before! I hope you all enjoy the edits and take the time to re-read it!!

Love you muchly,
- Fairytale <3

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