9 months *time skip*

29 0 0

I'm sorry that I do way to many time skips I just wanna finish this story and whatnot because I'm a Senior this year and school is to much work so I'm afraid I won't have time to finish any books so for now I'll try and get done what I can enjoy

So Dove and Cayla are both 9 months pregnant now and they both are exhausted and tired and ready to have their babies especially Dove because this is her first time having kids though Cayla has the twins yet she is still sorta scared about the whole thing Thomas and Mitchell are with them through everything which is great and Evelyn and Malory are also very excited about the boys to

Dove: (at her moms house resting on the couch)

Bonnie: I can see that you're excited for him to come

Dove: yes I've had light contractions all morning but it's not going anywhere

Thomas: (walks in) hey anything else happen?

Dove: no (rest her head on him as he sits down)

Thomas: (holds her as pain appears) is it getting any worse?

Dove: hmm sorta (sits straight as it goes away) come with me to the bathroom (goes with him so she can use it)

Thomas: whoa what's happening?

Dove: I think my water just broke

Thomas: what does that mean?

Dove: Cayla says they told her before that you're in active labor when it breaks so I guess he wants to come now

Thomas: Yay (gives her a kiss) let's go to the hospital then (goes out to the living room) Mrs. Wallace we're heading to the hospital now

Dove: wait tell Claire to come asap

Bonnie: (runs in with Claire) she just made it this is exiting

Claire: he's coming great I'll be there in a bit I have a few lessons to do before I go anywhere

Dove: ok bye guys (heads to the car with Thomas getting in feeling horrible pain in her lower abdomen)

Thomas: (takes a free hand as he drives rubbing her back still watching the road) it hurts doesn't it (shows a sad face)

Dove: yes Cayla says each one gets worse and worse so speed it up so we can hurry there (calls Cayla and tells her everything then hangs up)

Thomas: ok Chloe (speeds up some more only to get pulled over by the cops) crap

Cop: (walks over as Thomas rolls down the window) may I see your license and registration sir?

Thomas: yes it's in here (opens the glove box to show him then puts it back)

Cop: don't you know you were speeding

Thomas: yes sir I was trying to get my wife to the hospital so she doesn't have our baby in my car

Cop: Well would you like a police escort?

Thomas: sure

Cop: ok follow us (gets in his car speeding in front of them so they can hurry there)

Thomas: (following behind the cop car)

Dove: how long is it going to take to get there?

Thomas: not much longer baby don't worry

At the hospital

Cop: (gets out as he parks running to Thomas's car)

Thomas: (helps Dove out locking his car) thanks sir we got it now

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