Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

E M M A ' S  P O V

"Wake up!" Fay shouted Tuesday morning before jumping on top of me.

"Get the hell off of me," I groaned before shoving her off of me, making her land flat on her face below me.

"Rude much?"

"Annoying much?" I retorted as I slowly began to sit up.

Fay stood up sorely before glaring at me. "Don't give me that look, you started this," I reminded her with my hands raised up in surrender, causing her to sigh.

"Whatever," she grumbled before her face morphed to a happier emotion. "I'm hungry, so get up and get ready woman."

My eyes rolled as I got out of my bed. "The women in the kitchen were told to make you a hot chocolate with mini marshmellows. So if you don't want them soggy, I suggest you... hurry the fuck up."

In the very back of my head, I wondered how they knew I loved that drink, however, my mind was filled with heading to the bathroom fast so I could make it downstairs in time.

When I exited a few minutes later, my hair was brushed and so was my teeth.

I looked at Fay, hoping she'd get the hint to leave so I could change, but she stood still, waiting. "Go," I said after a few short moments, and her eyes widened before she scrambled off of my bed.

Once the door was closed shut behind her, I changed into a simple black romper before exiting my room, facing an annoyed Fay.

"What did I do now?" I sighed, following her out of the hall.

Fay pouted before crossing her arms. "You made me wait for food."

I rolled my eyes again. "You're so dramatic," I grumbled as we jogged down the stairs.

"Finn!" I shouted with a grin spreading wide on my lips when I saw him standing still in front of the door to the kitchen.

Clearly not amused with his silence, Fay poked his cheek repeatedly. "I wonder what would happen if I poked something else," she began, and without waiting to see what she would poke, Finn turned around and left the kitchen silently.

We both laughed as we headed to the table, where one of the cooks, Daisy, made us scrambled eggs with bacon on the side.

Halfway through our meal, Finn entered the kitchen again, but instead of going back to the entrance of the room, he came straight in our direction.

"Meet me in the library after you're done," he whispered into my ear before leaving without any explanation.

"What was that about?" Fay asked, and I looked off to where he left before shrugging.

"No idea."

For the next twenty minutes, Fay and I finished our breakfast, but instead of leaving the table right away, we both spoke to one another.

"Shit, I have to go," I said once I noticed I lost track of time.

Fay didn't ask why, but furrowed her eyebrows instead as she nodded. "I'll see you soon then," she said as I stood up.

After waving goodbye once more, I headed to the library attached to the mansion.

As I was walking to the library, Omar and Victor began following me until I passed through the large library doors.

My eyebrows furrowed as I watched them close the door without coming into the library with me.

"Hello?" I called out. "Finn, you in here?" I asked when no one responded.

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