Everyone Got One Now

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Shadow pov.

Green groans in pain, the split starting to hurt him. It hasn't quite gotten me yet. So I just rub his back, we decided not to go out to the barn this time. It might be too much on Green, so we're packing up, tonight we're packing up, and running when our 'parents' go to talk to the therapist we ditch. Head to BC, if the amber alert goes there, we head north.

"Shadow!" Green groans wanting us to spoon and get through the process already. 

"I know sweetie, just hold on a minute, the others will be here soon, and they'll be a better help" I tell him kissing his head. Green whines holding on to me and squeezing. I squeeze back starting to spoon him, giving him what he wants.

Vio, comes through the window, pulling Red up. Blue follows without help coming straight over to us. "How is the process coming along?" Vio asks getting Green a glass of Water. 

"I'm not feeling anything- wait. I feel a strange tingling but that's about it" I tell him pulling myself as close as possible to Green doing what I can to make it easier on my love.

Green gasps starting to cry, I move a little trying to comfort him. My eyes widen to extreme size finding my arm affecting the sheets. I'm gaining my own body! But I don't feel any pain?... wait I am a living Shadow, so that must be why it feels so different from what they went through. I intertwine my fingers with him. Listening to his ragged painful breathe.

Green stops crying and panting just a faint breathe. "Shadow, he fell asleep... it's over... we need to get packing" Vio tells me gently making me look at him. 

"I'm sorry but I want to stay with Green, he's gone through so much, he needs someone right now..." I tell him. Red nods starting to pack, Vio joins him. Blue rubs our backs, going to join them.

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