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Y/n opened her eyes as Kaleb yelled for herself and Bev to wake up. Groaning the h/c haired girl rolled to one side of her bed and headed to her dresser.

"Y/n bacon or sausage?!"  Kalebs voice was heard

"Bacon" she yelled back as she grabbed her clothing

"Bev scrambled or over easy?!"

"Over easy! For everyone" Bev yelled giving a goofy laugh after it. Y/n put her clothes onto her bed and went to go clean herself up.

-bev POV-

As I run down the stairs I ask Kaleb why he wanted to know what we wanted.

"Because you guys are starting high school this year" he said with a smile, that's when I remembered.

"Hey bro, what happened to your teaching job?" Kaleb froze a little unsure on what to say.

"I- I quit, I was only there to get good money for a house, now I work at the zoo" he said smiling, I nod.

Y/n comes thumping down the stairs wearing overalls with a black t-shirt that said 'Hush' and boots. Her hair was still wet from the shower.

"Bev! Y/n! Stop standing around and come eat" Kaleb playfully scolds.

After they ate y/n and Bev got onto there bikes are met up with the group at school.

"Damn...everyone looks uglier" Bev snorted as she put her bike in the bike rack. Mike, Stan and Ben laughed

"Except for bill" y/n teases as Eddie and bill walk closer. Mike and Ben ooohed at Bev as she turned Scarlet red.

"Hey y/n/n! Bevvy" Eddie said as he walked closer. "What lunch hour do you have?"

"5th" the two girls said making the guys cheer. 5th hour lunch was at noon to one.

After they all look at what classes they had together the 7 walked to their first classes.

Stan, Eddie and y/n all walked to Art. It's a nice way to start off every day. the three friends sat down at a circle table in the back and students began to file in to sit in the front if closest to the door.

"Hey eds?" Stan nudged Eddie as he tried to point to the door without getting y/n's attention. Sadly it didn't work, y/n looked to the door and seen Richie. Richie standing with a girl laughing with her, Richie hanging with the people who bullied Bev. Y/! Looked away quickly and back at the guys.

"I'm hurt you didn't tell me" she chuckled as she chucked a pencil at the two boys.

Next class was ELA 2nd hour with Bev, bill and herself. This was easy as the three got put next to each other with the stupid seating chart.

"Richard Tozier! Your late!" Mrs. Kash yelled making bill groan and y/n sigh once more.

Richie sat next to y/n and began making fun of her to that girl who sat behind him.
"Look at her- her hair is so short! She looks like an ugly guy" Richie said laughing. Y/n sighed... Did he remember her? Or did he hate her?

Then was study hall- the only class without Richie so far. With Stan, Eddie and Mike.

4th with Bev and Ben was Gym Richie was there too

Finally lunch came around and y/n was tired.

" I have all but one class with him! And he's been such a jerk to me!!" Y/n stated as they sat down at the lunch table. Mike went on about how that's what Richie did now. Bitch around.

"Hey losers!" The girl Richie has been hanging with yelled at them. "Get away from our table" no body listened.

"You heard her dumbasses" Richie's voice. Y/ns heart shatter. He's never called them unless it was jokingly. "Get out of here or I'll beat your asses"

Y/n let out a chuckle as the rest went to grab there food and move. "Why the hell would we move for jackass's like you?" Words coming out like venom- but very recognizable to Richie.

The girl scoffed and began to walk away and the losers sat down again thanking y/n

"Let's go richie~" the girl purred out. But Richie's gaze was focused on y/n

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