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"Why do you hate us so much?!" , You scream at your unhappy mother as you bought you fingers together to make a fist.

"US!", she screams back, "You are not apart of that dumb community!" She yells awhile stepping forward.

"It's my decision!" you reply with a yell, "I'm 20 Ma!"

"You just don't get it" she replies in her normal voice.

Before she could say anything more you storm out the door.

It was hard for you. You just told ma about you being Transgender. She hated you for being Pansexual but now she hates you even more for being Trans. You just don't understand why she is so mad at you, you might not ever understand.


Sorry that was short but I hope you liked it.

The King LuciferXTrans_Male_ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now