(Part 1) The walk

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You had been walking for an hour. Walking tends to clear your mind, and you needed it after that fight with your mother. My father would have been fine with it. You thought to yourself. "What's her problem anyway" you accidentally say out loud. "I already started talking to myself why stop now" you continue.

After a while of walking and you oddly talking to yourself you finally say "What do I possibly do now"

"Why don't you just do nothing," a strange voice says behind you.

You quickly turn around and ask "And who might you be?" with a stern face.

"My name if Lucifer" there was a small pause as if he wanted you to say your name, but you said nothing. Just sat there in silence.

I mean come on his name is fucking Lucifer how do I respond to that? You silently think.

"Well, it would be nice if I knew your name sir"

yay, he called me sir, you thought.

"Not to be strange but why would I not call you sir"

how would he know that? You say mentally well to test to see if you actually just read my mind it's because I'm trans and no one ever respects my pronouns.

"So your trans?" he replies to your thoughts.

"Yes," you finally say.

"Well at least I know you can speak," he says as a smart ass comment. "But still what's your name sir"

"Oh sorry I'm (y/n). I'm just still a little confused on how you can read my mind, " you say a little slower than normal because you were trying to process your thoughts.

"Oh, yea! It's simple I'm Lucifer, King of Hell, "

"Yeah right, " you respond with an attitude, "You might have just read my mind but you are no 'King of Hell' "

"Why would you say that," he says as you see your house approaching.

"Well I don't know but this is my house, " you say quickly I really don't wanna go home you think.

"Then why don't you come to my house tonight. Just to get away from your parents." he yet again replies to your thoughts. "I mean we are friends right."

"Yeah I guess we are" and with that, he grabs you into a friendly hug and you close your eyes for a second.

Right, when you open your eyes you were in a different place, Hell. It looked better than you thought it would. I mean you thought it would be stinky and moldy and what not but no it was a quite elegant black and everything had a light tint of red. It looked fabulous.


I know I know this one was short too but maybe the next one will be longer but I'm not sure. And the title, you won't always be gettin dance titles like that so love it while it's there. Most of the to.e I will just put stuff like part 1 but this time you get a title.


The King LuciferXTrans_Male_ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now