Chapter 2: Shattered

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Kim's POV:

My dress flowed around me as I ran through the tall grass. I could feel each piece of grass hit my legs. There was a voice behind me yelling for me to come back...but I didn't care. Today was my last...

I smiled, I would finally going to end it.

My life.

My life was a fail anyway. There was no one who cared and there was no one who wanted me alive. I might as well be dead.

The cliff was just ahead. My legs picked up speed. My body hurt and I could feel all my cuts stinging from the force if the wind.

I could smell the sea, the salt water was relaxing.

Just a few more steps.

I reached the edge and leaped.

I was waiting for the splash but it never came.

Two thick arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into a warm chest.

I gave up. I passed out in the arms.

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