Chapter 3: Saving My Princess

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Flynn's POV:


This wasn't meant to happen. She should be here by now. It was 8:20 and school started in 10 minutes and her beautiful face wasn't here yet, she was always on time. The roses on her locker were getting curious stares and I glared at anyone who tried to touch them.

They were for my baby and only she could touch them.

I began to worry. I needs to find her. I already knew where she lived. I had asked around and some people told me. She lived on the coast in a house that overlooked the ocean.

I left the school and ran to my car. I fumbled with the key once inside the car and finally turned the ignition. I reversed out of the car park and took off.

I arrived out the front of her house and stopped the car putting it in park. I ran to the door and hesitated. Would it be weird if she opened the door? Would she think I am a creepy stalker ?

I heard yells and my heart rate picked up. Someone was yelling her name in desperation. I turned and and followed the fence of the house to see a girl with red hair run straight past me. It was my little red headed angel. She ran right past me. I watched her for a couple of seconds. Memorized by her flowing red hair.

She was truly beautiful.

I then saw the cliff. She was running to fast, she wouldn't have any time to stop.

I set off running after her.

I was lucky my time on the football team helped and I ran and ran until I was just behind her. She lept into the air and I reached out and locked my arms around her waist and pulled her back into my chest.

I breathed out a sigh if relief and fell back into the grass. I held her in my arms and relaxed on the grass. I sat up and looked down to find her passed out in my arms.

My baby was asleep, I could feel her breath on my skin. I picked her up carrying her bridal style and kissed her forehead. She will never be alone again. I love her and the thought of her killing herself makes me so mad.

What could be so bad that she would want to kill herself.Then I heard it. A gruff voice yelling out insults.

"Get back here you stupid slut ! "

All I saw was red. He was a slightly older man and I could tell it was her father. I went to my car and placed my sleeping angel in the passanger seat and turned around. I walked straight up to him and punched him in the face.

"Don't ever talk about her that way again ! " I yelled in pure anger.

He fell to the ground and I turned around getting into my car and driving off with my princess right next to me.

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