Chapter 4 <Esmeralda>

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My ass ached painfully, it throbbed from the inside and I could feel Carlos still inside me. Even after Magnus sent him out for drinks, I could still feel his hands on me. It was very much the same as every aftermath of pleasuring someone.

But my body hates this more than usual. It's almost like it was burning under Carlos' touch. Magnus' eyes almost burned into my soul and I couldn't help but notice the anger in his eyes. Maybe the rest of the people in the room couldn't, but I could.

Why are you so mad? My mind almost taunted him silently. You're just like Carlos, so why? Are you jealous?

But when the large hunk of a man actually touched my wet cheek, I felt tingly. If that was the best way to describe the feeling, then it was definitely tingly. I think it was in a good way but I wasn't sure. But it made me slowly stand and wipe my own tears away that I finally took notice to. I looked down and sighed, gaining back my composure and pulling up my pants.

"...I have a bathroom for you to clean up in," Magnus rumbled blinking calmly at me.

"Cool," Was the only word I could say. Any others that would leave my mouth would make my voice shaky. If I cried anymore, my parents would assume it wasn't from pleasure at all. Of course any of the tears I shed during sexual acts were never from pleasure. I don't even think that's possible. But anyways, if I cried for any longer I'd essentially be fucked, again.

"It's over here," Magnus slowly walked to a black door and I followed. My legs ached but I learned that if I limped too much I would get in  trouble.

Limping annoyed my mother.

Magnus stopped in front of the room and opened the door revealing a bedroom, regular looking to say the least. But there was a large—I want to say— wardrobe that was a dark, blood red. I stared at it for a bit before snapping out of it once Magnus led me inside.

I looked back to see my parents watching me intently. My father wore a hard look and I knew that I did something wrong. I don't know exactly what I did, not yet, but as soon as we were out of here I would.

"It's that door, right there," Magnus leaned against the wall beside the doorway as I stopped in front of him. His thumb jerked towards the door just near the wardrobe. I nodded slowly and walked over to the door, entering.

The minute I shut the door, I let out a silent but frustrated scream. Mother of fucking god my parents knew! My parents had known the whole time that Carlos was fucking me without even paying. They just let him continue. Of course they would. I'm just a sex toy that happened to pop out of my own mothers vagina. Which she makes me fuck.

"Fuck..." I whispered, my voice cracking as I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes narrowed and I sighed. At least I didn't look like a complete mess.

I looked back down at my pants before pulling them down along with my underwear and looking through the cabinets. Luckily there was some wet wipes to I clean up using those and dried it off using some paper towels. I pulled my pants back up and fixed my hair and washed my hands. I stepped back out of the bathroom, confused as to why the bedroom door was suddenly closed. I slowly made my way over to it and twisted the door knob, opening the door slowly.

"90 million?" I heard my father scoff out, "You're joking." He stopped and looked at me. My mother was filing her nails and seemed bored with what ever discussion Magnus and my Father were having.

"90 million is more than we ever get paid, darling," Claire cooed at her darling husband. I could puke.

"And 90 million will be spent within a week by yourself, dear," He snarled causing my mother to seethe at him and looked at him.

"Oh, sweetheart, you barely know how to fix up. Let me help," Claire huffed, strutting over to me and pulling out some power from her purse. As she powdered my face, my gaze traveled back to Magnus who watched me.

"Fine, a hundred billion." At his offer, both my parents immediately set their eyes upon them. I was left a tad confused.

Carlos had entered shortly after a second of silence. He looked at me and smirked a bit before looking over at the situation.

"Well I sense a bit of tension, has something happened?" He hummed placing the trey of drinks down.

"...Magnus has offered us a very...kind deal," Claire suddenly said with a large grin.

"A deal?" I suddenly asked.

My mother hummed without a care in the world so my father spoke up, "He's offered good money," He stuck out his hand for Magnus to shake. The tall man stared at my fathers hand before slowly taking it in his own.

"It's a deal then, I'll send you the money soon."

My father nodded and motioned for us so I followed closely behind my mother. But the same tingly sensation passed over me as Magnus grabbed my hand to stop me from following them any further. My parents didn't even look to see if I was following after they stepped into the elevator.

"Mother, Father-"

"Carlos, let's go!" My father growled suddenly. Carlos snickered and stepped in with them just as the doors began to close.

It wasn't long before they were gone. And I was alone. With Magnus. He let me go and walked around the island grabbing a couple of drinks. It was then that I realized what just happened.

"You.....bought me," I mumbled.

"Speak up." He ordered as he began to fix up two drinks.

I turned to him, "You bought me, didn't you..."

"Correct," He hummed sipping his drink slowly, our eyes meeting.

"Why?" My tone turned sour and cold.

"You should take a sip of your drink, I made it for you-"

"Mr. Alvarez already brought up drinks," I seethed through gritted teeth.

"Don't fucking talk back to me," He growled, eyes suddenly flashing an alarming color and his tone made me step back a bit. I felt goosebumps form along the back of my neck.

"You are to either address me as sir or master and-"

"You didn't even answer my question," I hissed and Magnus slammed his cup down causing glass to shatter everywhere. I jumped a bit as Magnus' voice boomed strongly through out the room.

"I own you now!" He breathed out, closing his eyes.

My eyes dropped down and I stared at the floor. This isn't going to be much different from living with my parents.

"I bought you from your save you," He said, finally calm.

"To save me?" I asked in disbelief, "I don't need you to save me! I didn't even need to be saved."

"Oh, you didn't?" Magnus arched an eyebrow at me before scoffing, "Last time I help a spoiled brat like you." He muttered and walked around the bar. I glared at him as he walked closer towards me. He towered over me but I somehow was able to stand my ground, though, my eyes remained at my shoes.

His roughed, large hands slid onto my cheek and he muttered, "You're lucky I'm not like them, but I will teach you exactly what discipline is. And it is not abuse, mate."

Great, a kinky bastard "saved me".

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