▫Chapter 1▫

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I rushed downstairs grabbing a pack of skittles from the counter. "Hey those were mine." Whined the small boy with brown curly hair. I smirk sticking out my tounge "I didn't see your name on it." I teased, opening up the package and sliping a green one into my mouth to be greeted with the sweet limey taste.

"Mom!" Cried the boy, startling the woman. "Y/N please stop fighting with Sehun." She asked in a calm but irritated tone. I roll my eyes crumbling up the empty rapper and handing it to the smaller, who frowned sadly.

I dont feel guilty whatsoever for being rude to my brother, that's just how I show my love. I reach down going to the wooden coat rack to grab my red backpack, throwing it over my shoulder.

"Mom, I'm heading out!" I shout loud enough for her to hear. She replies back with a small "be careful!" before I'm out the door. I shut the door tightly behind me and walk down the street.

I pass by a few students who go to my school, but none of them I care for. Instead of talking to them or pretending to be nice, I walk past them with a small smile.

Pulling out my phone and sliding in some ear buds, I begin to sing along with Jackson's voice rapping the verses just right.

As the next song comes on Im matching up my dancing skills exactly with nct's, not minding the few odd stares I receive from pass byers.

I finally reach my destination after a few minutes of craving a carmel frappé and smile in satisfaction as I sip the sweet substance from the plastic straw.

After finishing up the drink I leave the shop with a grin plastered on my face. As I'm about to place my headphones back in I feel someone tap my shoulder.

"You forgot your change." Said a tall blonde with cheek dimples. I smile "Oh thank you sir." I reply back taking the change and shoving it in my bag. He noded walking back into the shop as the bell rang once more.

I walk away a small blush making it's way to my cheeks then ears. He was cute' I thought while looking through my playlist full of different selections.

I turn to the left to see a beautiful dog with eyes as blue as water, fur as fluffy as cotton, along with mixed colored hair.

I turn to the left to see a beautiful dog with eyes as blue as water, fur as fluffy as cotton, along with mixed colored hair

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"Aww, wheres your owner buddy?" I ask bending down closer towards the adorable creature. The dog tilts it's head to the left with big doe eyes. It then barks and runs towards the park.

Out of pure curiosity half of me is saying go home but the other half is telling me to follow it. I look around for any other people in the area before running after the small pup.

My legs run as fast as they could go, wind hitting my face, as my hair began to fall out of the messy bun I had it in this morning. The sun started to go over the horizon darkening my vision just a bit.

"Must be easy for the dog since it has four damn legs." I mumble breathlessly, still chasing after the animal. I pant managing to keep up, just a few feet away.

Triping over a rock, I stumble to the concreate floor. I squeeze my eyes shut do to the huge amount of pain I feel in my left leg.

"Ugh!" I groan out looking down towards the huge hole in my denim blue jeans. I gritt my teeth leaning up to face the scratch. The fresh scar started to drip crimson red blood as it slid down my leg.

I look around for some assistance but to my luck I find no one and what's even worse is that it's dark. I try standing up but end up being brought back down by gravity.

In the distance I could her the sound of leaves rustling. I bit my lip in anticipation hoping that it's not something dangerous.

Thankfully, I see a tall figure descending over me. I look up covering the moon as it blinded my sight. "Sir, c-could you help me?" I ask unsure wether or not I should be asking a complete stranger for help or not.

The figure leans in closer causing me to move back just a tad bit. "Yeah, of course." The man said with a grin that I failed to see.

"Do you have a flashlight?" He asks looking into my eyes. I stop for a second frozen by the unique shape of his eyelid and the captivating dark chocolate brown his eyes give off.

I nod pulling out my phone from the back pocket of my bag. He turns the light on pulling out a disinfecting wipe. "This might sting." He warned, placing the cold wipe on my cut only for me to wince in pain.

I gasped biting the inside of my cheek, while he wiped the blood clean. Afterwards he pulled out a bandaid placing it onto the cut.

My eyebrows knitted together in pain. "Done." He said with a small smile. "How did that happen?" He asks, pointing towards my leg.

I look away in embarassment. "I was chasing after a dog and tripped over a rock." I say averting my gaze towards the new scrape.

"Did you ever get the dog?" I frown shaking my head, while attempting to stand up. "Here let me help you?" He offered, grabbing my hand and pulling me up, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Thanks." I whisper quietly. He smiles running the free hand through his light brown hair. "Can I ask something?"

I look at the said male and nod. "Dont you think your kinda gullible?" He asks, holding back a chuckle. I raise a brow "what do you mean?" I ask confusion shown in my features.

"The dog." He deadpannes. I stare blankly, dumbfounded. "What about it?"

He laughs hysterically dropping me on the floor to clutch his abdomen. I look around worriedly un anle to move my hurt leg.

He wipes his eye and pulls out a tissue and smiles. "Girl's like you are easy to trap." He says with a smile, pinning me to the floor holding the back of my head and putting the tissue up to my nose.

I slowly begin to feel drowsy and tired closing my eyes seeing nothing but darkness.


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