▫Chapter 3▫

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Alex grabs onto my shirt feeling a bit scared, me not minding I continue the journey ahead.

"Do you think we'll be able to get out?" She whispers looking around with widened eyes. I shurg "I'm sure we will." I whisper back, looking at the empty cells with small pieces of fabric lying around and bowls of old food.

"Can you remember what they look like?" I ask, feeling a small breeze brush over my arm. She rubs her chin looking up as of she was thinking for a sec before nodding. "Yeah, as I recall one of them had dark red hair, and the other had black raven hair along with a sharp jawline." I nod trying to remember the exact faces I saw.

One dimly lit lanter flickered off before flying back on, pushing away the darkness to reveal a dark wooden door with small frames of metal surrounding it.

"Do you think that's the door?" Alex lifts her pointer finger, looking in the direction of the dimly lit door with a raosed brow. I shrug "should we try it?" I ask, turning towards the shorter whom only nods.

We take slow easy steps on the cold gravely floor. Small shards of glass are scattered on the floor near the door, showing some signs of a stained crimson color. Alex gulps, biting her lip before taking a quick glimpse back. "Maybe we should go back and just wait?" She suggests stopping in her tracks.

I shake my head "The faster we get out of here the better chance of freedom we'll have." I place my hand on the old frail nob and give it a gentle twist. It opens making a loud creaky sound revealing dozens of stone stairs.

I give Alex a look and take the first few steps up, taking extra percaution to not fall from the steep flight.

Arriving at the final top step I see a small crack in the door. I peak my eye through it seeing two figures, one being a bit taller than the other.

"What where their names again?" A slight lighter voice asks. "Y/N and Alex." The other male replies back, grabbing a big duffel bag chucking it ontop of the stone table.

"What does Mr.Kim even have in mind?" A short blonde asks playing with a small dark blue switch blade. Swinging it back and forth between his fingers as he pushed his head back against the velvety seat.

"Oh you guys will see~" cooed the tall brown haired male known as 'Mr.Kim'.

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