▫Chapter 2▫

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I open my eyes but can only see dancing shadows around me. I try to move my body but I seem uncapable. Could it have been a dream I thought. I hear footsteps echoing the the room, thinking I'm in a cellar I gulp.

"Wow, he chose a good one for once." A deep voice said, as another chuckled. I furrow my brows, by the time I can feel my body again I look down seeing that my hands are cuffed by a metal plate.

I struggle to loosen my hand from the cage. "Ugh." I grunt trying to wiggle free. I feel a cold hand on my head. "Ow!" I screech squinting my eyes. "Stop making noise or I'll flick you again." A muscular voice spat out.

I roll my eyes, turning my gaze towards the figure. "Once I get out of this bullshit, I'm gonna beat your ass." I threaten through gritted teeth. The two figures chuckle mockingly.

I feel warm breath near my left ear, causing shivers to my spine. "We'll see about that sweetheart." Whispered the shadow.

I hear a loud slam and a scream near by, knocking me to my senses. My eyes widen as I look around for the source.

My eyes wander towards the bright light erupting the empty room. Now able to see I can tell one of the 'knappers' has red hair and the other black, but I dont know anyone with that color of hair?

"Ahh, I see your awake princess~" cooed the slender brown haired male from the park. "You!" I yell out with a glare. "Oh you do remember me." He says walking closer. He gently places his fingertips against my arm as they graze up my skin.

"What do you want, freak." I say coldly, showing no affect towards the contact. He smiles "Well, I kidnapped you so, Im gonna want something, don't ya think?" He asks with a fake pout.

He leaned closer his breath fanning my face, "Don't worry I'll make it worth your while." He whispers with a small wink before walking off.

I gasp "Wait!" I yelp trying to free myself. "Let me out!" The door slams with a loud 'BANG' and the room goes pitch black.

"What a hoe." I mumble, hearing a small click. The metal plate looses around my wrists, finally setting them free. I sigh in relief as I sit up rubbing at my sore flesh. I look down at my knee that is now fully patched.

I twist my body to the right sliding off the cold bed. I feel around for a switch or small object that will reduce any form of light allowing me to see. I finally feel a cold object feeling like a switch, I flick it only for it to do nothing. I frown continuing the search.

I grab onto a long beaded string pulling it down. A small dim light bulb turns on, flashing on and off. I look around the stone room with cadged walls leading to another room, where I can guess could be another cell.

I notice a few shelves with both dust and rusty object's used for who knows what. My head snaps to the left hearing voices and small whimpers.

"Your gonna make us a tone of money little one." Muttered the red head from eariler, dragging a small girl with black curly hair, a small red skirt and a black hoodie, into the cell next to mine with yet another slam.

The frail girl has red eyes and puffy cheeks. I move closer towards the metal bars. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly. She turns her head towards me with a small nod. "I just don't know what's happening." She sniffles rubbing at her swollen eyes.

I nod "Me neither." I reply back leaning against the wall. She sighs "how'd you get here?" She asks bringing her legs towards her chest.

"I was chasing after a dog." I say with a chuckle, "dumb right." I turn towards her making eye contact "how about you?"

She looks down at the floor then back towards me, "I was leaving a friend's house." She said quietly with another sniffle. I nod. "Did they hurt you?" I ask, full of slight concern. She shakes her head.

"Well, I'm Y/N you?" I ask extending a hand. She looks at my hand emotionless then smiles. "Alexandra but you can call me Alex." She says cheerfully shaking my hand.

We both exchange smiles before I turn serious. "I wanna get out of here, you in?" I ask with a raised brow. She nods vigorously "Hell yeah!" She grins, hoping off the floor while dusting off her skirt.

I stand up walking towards the rusty door. "We need to find a way to open these crusty doors." I say looking around for a sharp object.

Alex widens her eyes "Wait, Y/N you can pick these locks with a pin, you have one?" She asks anxiously, looking around.

I feel on top of my head, "shit." I mumble dropping my hands. "What?" She asks worriedly. "I had some in my bag but those assholes took it." I say, running my hands through my light blue hair.

Alex frowns looking around. She bent down on the floor looking under the small bed to find a small switch blade. "Think this will work?" She asks picking it up on show.

I shurg "Try it." I demand watching the girl shove it into the rusty hole as she wiggled it around.


Alex smiles "did it!" She says excitedly opening the door cautiously. I stand closer towards the door as it opens slowly. We give each other a small hug before descending down the faintly lit hall.


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