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   "She wasn't the prettiest on the outside, her heart and mind were what made her beautiful though..." He shifted in his seat, his arms layed across his lap, fidgeting with his fingers and staring at the dull, stained carpet which was layed out in the therapists room."How so?" The therapist, Mr.Calus, had asked as he jotted things down on his paper. He took a shaky breath remembering the events that happened not even two weeks ago. He cleared his throat and sat up straighter as if it would help him speak. "She was always so kind." His breathing hitched and his dull, Hazel eyes brimmed with tears. He forced himself to keep speaking. "E-even when she was picked on she always seemed to smile. I hadn't noticed her before, I didn't really need to. I had friends at school, I only heard her name every now and then." He choked on tears and let out a quiet sob, bringing his hands into his hair and running them through it, messing it up worse than it was. "Is that all?" Mr.Calus asked, still writing things onto his paper. Mr.Calus seemed to be very unemotional, like he had seen and heard so much. Heard so much pain and grief from his patients that it started to affect him too. Yet he still managed to do his job, what an admirable man. "No, it's not... " He answered after a long minute of silence. A few tears had shed during that minute of silence as he came to a conclusion. "Can we uh, talk about this the next time I come... " He sniffles looking at Mr.Calus for a response and getting a simple nod looking up at him with a small hint of sympathy in his eyes. "Yes. By then I hope you can tell me the full story of what happened." Mr.Calus set down his paper filled with writing on his desk and clamped his fingers together facing his patient. "So your next appointment is next Wednesday. I assume you know that?" He nodded wiping away the remaining tears that hadn't dried and left stains. "You would assume correct. " Mr.Calus simply nodded allowing him to leave the room. He stood up and stumbled over his feet before standing up, not having enough self respect to even look sheepish for stumbling over thin air. He opened the door and left without saying a word walking down the Hall to the front desk. The lady started to smile at him before noticing his tear stains and his slumped posture and frowning, giving a pitiful look. "Already scheduled an appointment?" She asked as he simply nodded, to which she nodded and gave him a Half-hearted smile letting him finally leave. He turned around and walked to the door slowly opening it and walking out, the door closing gently behind him. Walking home along a busy street when all you want to do is jump in front of a car is difficult. Especially after talking about the things that happened only ten days ago...


His heart beating. That's all he could hear as he was running. Running to save the girl who saved him. Running to save the one speck of hope and happiness that he had in the world left. The one thing that he stayed alive for. The one girl that was about to disappear just like the rest of his life had. He ran down the street legs screaming in pain, begging him to stop. No, he wouldn't stop. He ran through the forest towards her little secluded house that was in a  small, quiet place where no one else lived. He ran even as the trees and bushes scraped against his legs and arms creating cuts and scratches. He jumped over a log and almost yelled in relief when he saw the small house, only to see the girl standing on top of the mountain a bit away from her house. He got there just in time to see her step off and fall, fall down to the rough, harsh, rocky ground beneath. To see her hit the ground with such force he heard multiple snaps and a loud, ear splitting yell of pain, then silence. He yelled out, tears already falling down his face as he ran and stumbled with his blurred vision over to her lifeless body. He saw a pool of blood beneath her and his eyes widened in horror as he fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. How could he let this happen? How did he not notice the signs of her struggle? In the end he blamed himself. He always did.

End of flashback

He hadn't realized the fact that he was at his house already, or the fact that tears were slipping down his already tear stained face. All he wondered was how he hadn't died. How he wished, he did.

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