~Imagine~{47-Pt 2 of 46}

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Criss's girlfriend went on the warpath right after you left and cussed Criss out for all of his sneaking and lying to her all the time about sneaking girls in the behind stage during his performances and screwing with them in between shows for a pick me up before his next performance. Then she held her tummy and told him that she wasn't going to have that kind of man raising her children. Then she slapped the fuck out of him and asked him how many other bastard children did he have out there!

Criss fought with her, but he knew it was pointless because she and you both were right and he was wrong, but that was just the way he was...and he wasn't about to change for anyone. She grabbed her purse and as she held her baby bump, she told Criss not to come home for a while because she was disgusted with him and wasn't sure if she was even going to stay with him, now that many of his skeletons were popping out of his hiding closet. As soon as she went back home, Criss went to the head desk and asked for your room number, then slowly headed up to have that very unwanted talk with you.

Evander was now wide awake and was playing a game with you while watching Mindfreak season 3 on your portable DVD player with him when Criss knocked on the door and asked to come in. You told him to fuck off!, but Evander knew that Criss Angel was his daddy because you told him when he was old enough to understand it and he scampered to the door and opened it as he screeched daddy very loudly while holding out his lil arms out to him. Criss looked down at him and instantly saw himself even more so than his boy Johnny. Criss lifted him up and asked him how old he was, and what his name was, then made a lil magic for him then kissed him on his forehead and asked him to go play while he made grown-up talk with you.

You turned off the Dvd player and closed the bedroom door and told him quickly that you changed your mind and was leaving tomorrow and that coming to him was a huge fucking mistake because he just wasn't a real man. He stopped you in mid-sentence and said there was no way you were going to leave him now that you ruined his life and chances with his girlfriend because as he spoke with you she was packing her shit and leaving him for good! You snickered at him and said he deserved it for being a prick that couldn't be loyal to one woman, or keep it in his pants. Then you added that you didn't ruin too much of his life though because he did have custody of Johnny, he just wouldn't be able to have his second child or his now ex-girlfriend...but you had full faith in him that he would have another girlfriend in a week or so that he could knock up.

Criss looked down as he sat on the bed and asked you not to be that way, and that he wanted to have his son in his life, but he was what he was, and there was no changing in him. He was a whore dog and liked girls. Then he touched your hand and said he really cared for you too...but he didn't want to give you a real chance with him, because he knew how he was, and knew it would kill you from his behavior, which was why he stayed away, and went with his ritzy girlfriend instead because the richer the bitch the more heartless they were without much feelings other than for themselves. You stood up and told him that wasn't good enough, Evander came back into the room and looked over at Criss as he asked if daddy was going to go home with us now.

Criss opened the envelope with the message in it and read the papers of proof that Evander was his son, then when he saw his son's name was Evander Nicolas Sarantakos, it did give him a lil pride, and out of the blue asked you to stay with him at Serenity so he could get to know you both beens he was a single man again, that would probably end up having to pay child support for all his kids he had appearing from the woodwork. Then chuckled lightly as he asked you if you didn't mind being a surrogate mom to all his kids he had running around, that he might even put a wedding band on your finger if you thought you could handle being with him long enough. You pulled him very close to you and pulled out a pair of scissors and said you could handle things just fine, then told him that you would do anything for your son. 

In the end, you and Criss's other girlfriend both ended up staying with him, that way he could take care of all of you and have his kids with him at the same time...three months later his other girlfriend gave birth to his second son from her and named him Xristos. But at the same time as he came out, you informed Criss that you were a couple months pregnant with another son. Criss looked blankly at both of his girls and his two boys Johnny and Evander playing on the floor with Chicklet while holding his newborn Xristos in one hand while touching your tummy and saying he was making his Mindfreak tribe successfully and that surely out of four sons one of them would want to learn his magical trade and take his place when he retired. & 7 months later you delivered your second child, but was shocked when the dr's were wrong, you had a lil girl instead, but Criss was tickled about it and chose to name her Kayala Amystika Sarantakos and as soon as they were all old enough Criss taught them all his trade and made a new TV series called The Mindfreaks where they all did bits of magic with their daddy, along with many bloopers in between...he was the happiest man alive knowing that he had his mom, brothers, two wives, and three sons and a very beautiful daughter. 

CRISS ANGEL *IMAGINES* BOOK 5Where stories live. Discover now