9. My Sweetheart Joonie

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You're in your bed. You look over and see that it's 12:00 then you remember you fell asleep in the car. Did Namjoon carry you in? There is no noise in the hall. You're thirsty so you Get up to go to the kitchen. When there you see there is someone else already there. It's Namjoon.

"Hey," You say trying your best not to scare him.

"Oh hey," He replies a little startled.

"Did you carry me in from the car?" You ask.

"Yea, you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you so I carried you in," He said giving you a smile.

"Thank you for that I was just surprised to wake up in my bed," You say.

"Yea I was extra careful I didn't want to bang your head on anything.

"Wow, I'm proud that you didn't break my head you are the god of destruction," You joke.

"Hey, I don't break things on purpose," He whines.

You grab a glass of water and sit in the seat next to him.

"Thank you," He says.

"For what," You asked confused.

"For making me the happiest man on earth today," He said Making you blush harder than ever.

"Ahhh, Why do you have to be so cute," you say before you realize what you said.

"You think I'm cute," He says with a slit tilt to his head.

"Umm... no... umm... you're... just," You say while thinking what to say.

"( (y/n) Thinks I'm Cute!") He yells.

"Shhh we don't want to wake the Yoongi monster he will crawl out from under our beds then we will never be seen again," You whisper while laughing.

"Oh well if he wants you he has to go through me," He jokes.

He leans and kisses you. He puts his hand on your face gently. The kiss is soft and slow. You feel safe with him. All you know is the Kim Namjoon will always have a place in your heart no matter what happens in the future.

Hope you like the story I am so behind I was really busy and doing stuff so sorry but I also made a diagram to show how the rooms are set up

Hope you like the story I am so behind I was really busy and doing stuff so sorry but I also made a diagram to show how the rooms are set up

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