Chapter 1: Nurses Orders (Deadly Life)(Class Trial)

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Truth Bullets:

Monkokuma Files: The victim's name was Charles Stark. The victim's body was found in the nurse's office. The time of death was around 6:30 PM. The victim is shown to have a stab wound in the gut and an internal injury to the neck.

Bloody knife: There was a bloody knife found in Chuck's left hand.

Brogs account: It was implied that it Chucks death was a suicide, but Brog is denying that.

Lisa's account: Lisa claims that her cat ears can hear anything even through soundproof walls.

Sewing needle: Ruby found a long sewing needle in Chuck's neck. It's claimed to be from one of the sewing kits in the girl's dorm rooms.

Joseph's account: Joseph claims to have asked everyone if they ever used their toolkit or sewing kit and everyone denied. He also checked all the men's dorms and claims no toolkit was used. He states that Celestial checked all the girl's dorms.

Missing knife: Joseph states that one of the knives is missing from the kitchen.

Empty water bottles: Joseph found that a lot of the water bottles from the fridge have been found in the trash empty.

Mysterious Puddle: There is a puddle of water in front of the fridge.

Shower Water: Celestial claims you can't use the shower water at night because it's off at nighttime.

Celestial's account: Celestial claimed to have checked the girl's dorms for whoever used their sewing kit. She claims one person has, but forgot who it was.

Wet Card: Ruby had everyone sign a card for Chuck. Celestial claimed that the left side of the card was wet.

Monokumas account: A boy cannot enter a girls locker room and vice versa.

Mysterious cards: Two cards were found in Chucks room. Note #1: "One of us is the maybe the Mastermind behind this killing game. Don't trust anyone" Note #2: "Leave your room. someone is trying to kill you."

Class Trial Begins.

We all sat in our seats. Monokuma was in a throne-like chair watching us.

Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial. So, your votes will determine the results. If you figure out whodunit, then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... I'll punish everyone besides the blackened and the one who deceived everyone else will graduate.

Aqua: And you're sure the culprit's one of us?

Monokuma: Of course. I would never lie to you guys. Because I'm a bear after all!

Lisa: What the hell does that have to do with anything?!

Celestial: You're telling us to debate... but where do we start?

Collin: Why don't we start with something even you idiots can understand. The murder weapon.

The murder weapon? He must be talking about:

a. The needle

b. The bloody knife

c. The Illuminati

Aqua: You're talking about the bloody knife, right?

Collin: Correct. I have no doubt in my mind that knife was the murder weapon.

Non-stop Debate:

Collin: I can definitely claim that the murder weapon was that bloody knife.

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