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***You really should read the prologue before diving into the story, or you won't understand anything. Sorry, that it's kind of a boring prologue, and sorry it hasn't been proof read.

Nicoles POV

Juilet, Emma, and I tiptoe through the crunchy autumn leaves, my combat boots absolutely demolishing every leaf in my path.  A cool breeze blows off my cats ears from my halloween costume off my head.

"Not again" I grunt, bending over to pick them up, I notice Juilet and Emma continued running along without me, leaving me far behind and alone. Nice friends, right? It's halloween, the scarest of all nights, and we're in a cemetery, the scariest of all places. Thanks for leaving me alone here guys. I feel the love.

I dust off my cat ears, slip them behind my ears, carefully pushing a long strand of my jet black hair out of the way.

I try to run, to catch up with them, but I'm not fast enough, so they eventually put a halt to their run, and wait for me at a heavily aged looking headstone.

"Somebody's winded!" Emma calls mockingly. I really want to punch her, but after all this running, I don't think I have the energy to.

"I...I...really hate you...sometimes" I tiredly smirk.

"Pfft. You know you love me. I'm aweso-" Juilet cuts Emma off, placing one of her pale delicate hands over the tans girls dark red lips.

"Shh. I can't concentrate." Juilet mutters while distractedly staring at the headstone in front of us.

Me and Emma turn to each other with slight confusion, before bending down to get a closer look at the subject of Juilets interest.

"This one is perfect!" Juilet sneers after a few moments of awkward silence.

I'll admit, I'm not thrilled about the idea of summoning stupid ghost to play with some stupid spirt board. It's lame, and totally pointless, but, hey, I've got nothing better to do.

Juilet sets up the spirt board a few inches infront of the gravestone, and lights a few candles on either side of the board. All of our faces were darkly illuminated as we sat with our legs criss cross, surrounding the board.

"This is stupid." I complain while Juilet and Emma start to chant wierd, creepy things. They ignore me, obviously, so I let my eyes wander to the engraving on this worn down reads:

Here lies Drear Mal.

Born 1875 - Died 1910

Aged 35

Beloved son, feared leader.

Shoot, he died young. It doesn't feel right to be making a fool of his death with this silly mockery.

Juilets voice pierces my thoughts once again. "Spirt, tell us, are you here?"

Our hands are moved to YES.

I bet Emma and Juilet are just trying to scare me. This is a loud of crap. I may only be 13, but I'm not stupid.

The next series of questions just rolled off of Juilets tongue with ease. I couldn't help but notice her slyly smirking at me. "Spirt, are you angry?"   Yes.

"Spirt, are you going to punish somebody in this circle for waking you from your slumber?"   Yes.

Okay fine. I guess i'm getting a little creeped out.

"Is that person Nicole Marie Voss of 129 Erie Ave?" Juilet cackles.

"STOOOOOP IIIIT" I whine, as the planchet moves, yet again, to the yes.

I angrily stand up, and whip the planchet a few feet away. "NOT FUNNY!" I shout, my fists tighly clenched. They're such idiots. Gosh.

Emma stands up and hangs her arm lazily over my shoulders. "You know we were just kidding.  No need to freak out."

Well, it's a bit to late for that, smart one.

"Well, Emma, I guess I'd say that prank was a bit of a success. We should head back home soon. My mom is expecting us to be back at her house by 3am, and it's already, like, 2:45." Juilet announces while hastily shoving the spirt board and planchet back into her backpack. Juilet stands up and joins me and Emma.

"Want me to blow the candles out?" Emma laughs.

"Nah, we can let um burn out." Juilet mumbles.

Still shaking, I start to walk back with Emma and Juilet.

Wait a minute...where is my bracelet?

"Guys, I think my bracelet must've fell off, can we stay here a second so I can look for it." I plead. God, I probably sound like a whiny baby.

"K" Emma replies.

The two stand a few feet behind me as I crawl around on my hands and knees at the grave site, searching for my bracelet. I lean in closer to the ground to examine it better when the candles suddenly go out.  They don't flicker whatsoever. It wasn't like a gust of wind...It was sudden.

"What.The.F-" I begin, shocked, then interupted by a blood curdling sound. A scream so genuine that it could almost stop a heart.

I quickly scurry up to my feet and begin to run. Emma and Juilet are nowhere in sight, but I don't care. I need to get out of here. Now.


I race up to Juliets front entrance and bolt into the house, slamming the door behind me. I press my back against the back of the door and slowly slump down, to face my two traumatized looking friends, as they are curled up together, rocking back and forth at the bottom of the staircase.

My breathing is extremely heavy, and my heart feels like it's going to jump right out of my chest.

Juilet intensely stares at my right arm, as Emma just nervously shoves pieces of chocolate into her mouth.

"What are you staring at?!" I spit, filled with anger and fear.

"Y-your bracelet." Juilet whispers, blood drained from her face.

I look down and see that my bracelet it back on my wrist like normal. Except, not.  Insted of the shining silver band, my bracelet know looks as if it's been burnt.  On top of that, there is a new engraving on it.

"18..." I read the engraving aloud.

"WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?!" I tear off the bracelet furiously, and toss it in the waste paper basket.

I re join the my friends and we spend the night crying, wishing that we hadn't ever gone out to the cemetery in the first place.

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