Author's Note

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Hello, dear friends, accomplices, comrades, acquaintances, amigos, pals, buddies, allies, fellows, chums, stalkers, companions, confidants, associates, mates, brothers, sisters, fast food workers, chicken nuggets, lion tamers, wizards, witches, Muggles, and dinosaurs. I'm so glad you've made it here! If you're reading this, it means you've either read my entire stupid book or skipped over it all with no consideration for the feelings I may or may not have.
Nonetheless! My good people I don't know, if you have actually read the content posted here, I want to bring up a few points.
This book does not necessarily express my personal beliefs or viewpoints.
This book does have sensitive content that I am aware of; though in dream form for the main character M, it mirrored reality for someone else... this someone being my wonderful child Asagwara Nenge. But I don't think it's "mature" content, alright? What I definitely don't consider mature is something that anyone, of any age can go through. It's awful, and sick, but it's true. Now brace yourself for a long talk, and if you don't want to read it, then don't (obviously).
If you are a victim of abuse, I wish I could do something more than recommend you speak with someone you trust. If there is no such person, find a therapist, psychologist, or your friendly neighborhood dog. All, I think, are capable of, if limited, assistance.
The abuse hotline : 1-800-799-SAFE
What Asagwara faced in this story, even if not addressed properly or directly, was physical, emotional, and mental abuse brought down on him by a man living with Kasa. I would like to reassure you - though this development is not mentioned in any of the books - that Kasa, the boy's mother, managed to finally kick him out a short time before she was kidnapped by Valen Marinos to be brought to Fortunia. I can tell you that I have no personal experience with abuse, but felt extremely uncomfortable and mildly ill while writing M's dream sequence in the chapter "In the World". I felt it was necessary, however, to mention what Asagwara has gone through. The abuse was an important part of his character and I think readers (though few they are) ought to understand how that's shaped him as a person. I'm only happy to report he will no longer face those horrors.
And that's the end of my speech.
Moving on from these touchy topics, I'd like anyone who's saddened over the death of a certain character in this book to know I'm very glad you are. Thank you.
Additionally, I'd appreciate if you'd refrain from "shipping" or "match-making" anyone in this story with another. I doubt anyone will become that into my book but I can have dreams, folks, yes I can. If you did so happen to insist upon shipping a bunch of twelve-year-olds, you are sick, my good s'ma'am (word I invented), just ew. Stop right now. Stop it. Just. Stop.
Buuuuuut if that doesn't apply to you definitely DON'T stop, mate, and keep on readin'!!!!! There will be two more books in this series. If you groaned aloud or in your head while reading that, well... I don't blame you.

Thank ya kindly for your time once again,
Myra Chaillou

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