Chapter 13

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The silk I felt underneath me felt amazing and it smelt even more amazing than I remembered my room to smell like. I moved to grab my phone and slid my hand on a warm thing, I didn't know what it was and I definitely didn't remember placing anything in my bed or near it that smelt and felt the way it did but my mind was disoriented and I was confused as to how I got here I probably forgot what I placed in my bed for warmth.

My head was pounding and my eyes felt like they were droopy. I wanted nothing more than to curl into the warm and great smelling thing in my bed and stay there until my hangover was gone completely. I didn't even think I had silk sheets but everything felt okay when I was in my bed that I couldn't see a problem with resting a little longer. Besides there wasn't much light from the window so I decided to just sleep and hope the hangover subsides by the time I needed to get to class.

As my eyes drifted shut I felt something move and pull me slightly backwards, my mind was playing games on me due to the lack of sleep I had so I couldn't care at this point. My head was begging for sleep and my door was probably locked so I had nothing to worry about. I could feel silk underneath me and my pillow around my waist radiating heat which just put me to sleep instantly.


My head was aching and my eyes hurt every time I tried to open them that I just layed in my bed surrounded by the warmth and gave up on going to my morning class. I had class with Noah so I figured that I could just let him know I was sick and ask if I could borrow his notes so I could catch up. That's the downfall of having my first ever hangover I wasn't able to push through the pain and suck it up until my class was over. With my eyes still closed tightly I sat up and yawned, with a slight wince I was trying to get off my bed. All of a sudden I felt skin on my mid drift and my head was spinning with the thoughts I hoped weren't true. I forced my eyes open to see a sleeping guy in my bed, the only problem I realized that this room wasn't even mine to begin with. I slept with a stranger.

Oh my gosh I slept with a stranger and I don't even remember a thing about the night before. Had he taken advantage of me or did I willingly give him consent. Because I couldn't seem to remember I realized I would never find out if he was lying to me or telling the truth. Anxiety filled me like a cup being filled with water: it started off slowly and then bam it poured out faster until it was overflowing so quickly your reflexes hadn't kicked in fast enough to stop the flow of the water.

I struggled out of the sheets and ended up falling face first onto the ground with a big thud. I felt my hands shake when I heard a gruff voice say "What the hell?"

When I finally got away from those sheets my breathing was laboured and I feared I would pass out due to the anxiety attack I was having. "Are you alright?"

He sounded nice but that dimpled smile reminded me of an evil guy I met my first night on campus: Xavier. His smile made me self conscious and made my anxiety attack ten times worse than before. I stood on shaky legs and I swayed towards the door, my mind wandered to all the things I may have forgotten because I had drank to much last night at the party. Suddenly I was falling and my vision turned black and white and I couldn't focus on anything in particular. All I could feel is strong yet soft arms catch me before I hit the ground hard enough to break something.

"You'll be fine I promise." He breathed out and then continued "Phil call someone I need a nurse in here right away."

"Why man? What happened?" the sound of the door opened and then a gasp was what I heard. My mind was still confused but my vision was clearing up to the point I could see him clearer than I had before I had an anxiety attack. He had creases on his forehead in confusion and a sad frown. He had exotic blue eyes with little golden flexes that made me drawn to his eyes. His dirty blonde hair was messy and he had morning breath but I felt like I could finally breathe again when I continued to stare into his eyes.

They helped me calm down enough to make me feel completely relaxed and I could finally breathe properly. The guy named Phil was talking on the phone when I tried to sit up. Doing it on my own wasn't even an option because the guy that was holding me sat me up slowly. "Thanks."

"No problem." he breathed out "Just a question, why were you so freaked out you literally flung out of the bed and then started to hyperventilating?"

"I umm.... Nevermind...."

"Wait you didn't think we," he made a hand gesture between us and my cheeks heated up, Phil cleared his throat and pointed towards the door and walked backwards until he was out of site.

"I mean... Umm well... Uh yeah." My face was heating up and it wasn't helping that i was still in his embrace from the fall.

"You don't need to be embarrassed if it was me waking up in a stranger's bed without remembering anything from the previous night I would have probably reacted the same way. But let me ensure that we did nothing that you were thinking we had done I promise you. I would never take advantage of an intoxicated girl who was clearly under the influence of alcohol for the first time."

"Thank you umm?"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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