A Downer!

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-Drawing is by Prof. Quetsch (I believe that is their name) on tumblr-

The Bobbies were making their usual rounds, checking for any downers and reminding others to take their joy. One of them was walking around a rather quiet part of town. Everything was as it should be, until he noticed a certain house. The window on the side was wide open, yet it was pitch black inside. He froze in spot before marching up to the door, knocking loudly and listening for any answer. There was no reply, although the Bobby did here someone moving around. Curious, he attempted to open the door, but found it was locked.

"That's odd. Who could be in there?" He questioned under his breathe, keeping his usual smile. He then decided to crawl in through the open window. Someone was inside and he just had to know who it was. Of course he felt slightly bad for entering someone's house without permission, but he couldn't resist. Once he got in, he noticed that the house was a mess.

"Someone needs to clean up this place." The Bobby chuckles before hearing a low thud followed by someone cursing. He quickly his behind the closest things he could as he saw someone shuffle into the room.

"This place doesn't have much." The man growled in disappointment. He didn't sound happy at all!

'He must be a downer!' The Bobby thought, peeking his head out to get a glance of the man. The man was much shorter than the bobby and dressed in old, torn clothes. One look and you could tell he was from the Garden District. But how did he get out? The man turned around and began to search the area again, in hopes that he could find something of use. The Bobby slowly crawled out, making sure to be silent. Once he stepped out, he got a better look of the man. He was covered in dirt and grime. He also was skinny as a twig. The Bobby ignored this and crept up to the man, his baton raised, ready to knock out the downer. But something told him not to. He didn't understand why. He's attacked downers before. Why did this seem different? While the Bobby was thinking, he didn't notice the man turn around in fear. He only snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a short yelp. The man didn't hesitate to run around the Bobby and towards the window.

"Hey, wait!" The Bobby called out, following closely behind the male. The man was surprisingly fast, but the Bobby was faster. He forcefully grabbed the man's arm and stopped him from running.

"There you are." The Bobby muttered. The man covered his face, ready for whatever was coming to him. The Bobby stared down at the shorter man, watching him shake in fear, expecting to be hit or forced to take joy. The man hesitantly put his hands down when he realized nothing was happening. He stares at the Bobby in slight confusion.

"It's ok. I won't hurt you." The Bobby explains, trying to calm the downer. The Bobby looked around for anyone. When he saw nobody was near, he proceeded to drag the man down the nearly empty streets. The man forced a smile every time someone would pass by. It didn't take long for them to come across a large house. The Bobby unlocked the door and dragged the male into the house. Once they were inside, the Bobby let go. The man stumbled backwards in an attempt to make distance between him and the officer. The Bobby noticed this and calmly stepped forwards, trying his best not to be threatening.

"You look hungry. Do you want anything?" He asks with a friendly smile. The man stared at the Bobby, still very confused before nodding.

"Alright! Stay here while I grab something." He replies joyfully, dashes out of the room. The downer stood there, not really knowing what to think or do. Why was this Bobby being so nice? He staggered over to the nearby chair and sat down. The Bobby came back with a carrot and handed it to the shorter male.

"Here you go." The man smiled and took the carrot. The Bobby smiled and backed up before realizing something.

"I never caught your name, sir." The Bobby explained. The man didn't really respond. He instead stood up and walked around, looking for something. He then picked up a notepad and flipped to an empty page, quickly writing something down. He then handed it to the Bobby.


This is probably a bad way to start off this book. Well, at least I tried.

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