Chapter 116

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Chapter 116; Frickle Frackle




Harry's POV




"They were being super bitchy," Sophia says as she reached over and grabbed a cupcake, setting it down and then grabbing the whole tray and sitting on the couch with them. 

Angel didn't say anything as she kept her eyes forwards. "Like they were so rude to her," Sophia unwrapped a cupcake. 

I wrap my arms around Angel pulling her close to my body, "I'm so pissed," I grumbled as Niall fiddled with the tv trying to play the movie. 

"You're pissed?" Sophia grumbled. "How do feel Angel?"

Angel looked up hearing her name, she shrugs. "I don't know," She said. 

"When I first met Eleanor she called me fat," Sophia stated, she shrugged at the memory.

Angel's eyes widned. "I thought she was supppsoed to be nice," Angel shifted in her seat. 

Niall lets out a laugh, "Eleanor is in love with love," He said. "That means she shipped Harry and Adriana hard core, it'll take her a while," He explained. 

"She didn't have to make her cry," I snapped. 

My anger was over the top right now, to be honset I knew Adriana wouldn't open up to Angel in one night but she did not have to make her cry. She did not have to be so rude, she could have told Eleanor to stop. I wasn't used to Angel being this week and it pissed me off knowing Adriana was the cause of it. 

"I'm sorry," I said.

"It's over with," Angel finally spoke. 

"I haven't cried in like months," She laughed softly. "For a second I thought I had no feelings," She joked. 

Sophia giggled. "These are good," Sophia stated. 

"Thanks," She smiled. 

I sighed and leaned back as the movie started. 




Adriana's POV




"What do you think you're doing?" Louis asked as he stepped on my porch. 

I take the cigarette from my mouth and blow out the smoke, "Releaving stress, what are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Breathing," He chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes at his answer and take another drag, "I thought you quit," Louis says it as a statement rather then a question, 

"I got stressed again," I say closing my eyes and leaning against the wall. "Though I don't want the smell in the house, or on the babies clothe."

"Oh," He says.

I take in a deep breath. "So how much of a bitch does Harry think I am?"

"From one to ten? Probably a soild twenty," He chuckled sitting on a chair and looking at me. 

"I want him to be happy," I admit. "Just not with her-"

"You want him to be happy with you," Louis cut me off. 

I nod, "But we will never be happy together."

Louis shrugged and I toss the cigarette on the floor, stepping over it and twisting it under my foot. "He hates me," I added. 

"He'll get over it," Louis assured me. 

I shook my head, leaning against my seat and closing my eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised if he just stopped talking to me."

Louis doesn't say anything and I stand, "Well I'm going to shower and wash my clothe, don't want the smoke smell to stick with me," I stated walking inside. 




Harry's POV




I groan rolling over and I hear a gasp, Angel sitting up quickly on the bed, her arms reaching for me in the dark and I sit up holding her close to me. She's panting and gasping for air shaking slightly. "It was just a bad dream," I promised. 

She closed her eyes for a second and leans closer to me, breathing heavily, her hands wrapping around my arm and the other holding on to the back of my neck. "Shh," I whispered pressing my forehead with hers. "I'm here."

"I know," She pants her eyes closing. 

Her hands press against my chest lightly and she fist the shirt in her hands. Her eyes open and she moves her head to my neck burrying her face in it. "Sorry for waking you," She whispered. 

"it's okay," I say turning up the AC. 

She rolls over on the bed, laying on her back and looking at the ceiling. "Do you still love Adriana?" She whispered. 

My eyes widen at the question, it's three am and she wants to talk about this? I would rather frickle frackle then talk about this. I licked my lips and lay next to her. "No, she's changed," I said. "I don't know how I feel about her. Not even friendship wise."

"Oh," Angel is silent for a second. "I'm off my period."

"Angel Black, are you asking to frickle frackle with me?" I smirked. 

"If you call it that then no," She giggled. 

"Doing the dirty? The wiggle? Deflowering, sex," I list off the names getting on top of hers. "I like the three am side of you."

"Yeah," She laughed. "Well I like you. At any time of the day."

"Trust me baby, you'll love me after this," I whispered kissing her and pulling her shirt off. 

(Real talk now. Who shipd Hangel and who ships Hadriana? Let me know! If you ship Hadriana tell me what you think about Angel/if or why you hate her. And guys the book is amlost half way over!)

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