Chapter 1:Chosen

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Seraphina POV

When I woke up this morning I knew it would be a good day. I had riding lessons this morning and in the afternoon I was going to go to the market with mother to get wood for the stage my father was building.

I ran to the bathroom to wash my face and get ready. I splashed the cool water on my face and looked up at my reflection in the mirror. I had light blue-green eyes with a dark blue ring around each iris. I had very long dirty blond hair, with light blond streaks, that flowed all the way past my waist. My lips were pink and full, and my nose was cute and upturned. Everyone says my eyes are my best feature and that they're so unique, but I just don't see it.

I got into my black and pink riding jacket and put on a sparkly pink tank top and dark black skinny jeans. I pulled my hair into an easy ponytail

"Sera! Someone's at the

door for you!"

I ran downstairs hoping it would be my best friend Genevieve. But when I got there, it was two knights wearing full armor and royal purple tunics. They parted to reveal a royal messenger with thinning hair and scrunched features.

"Are you Seraphina Carrinna Pointe?"

"yes" I replied

"I am here on behalf of the royal family to inform you that you have been selected to participate in the Crowning." He then handed me a cream colored paper tied with a purple ribbon.

"My Goodness!! Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes I'm sure!" He answers rather rudely "Are you done asking questions now, I have 58 more of these to do!" Then his knights closed the door. I screamed and jumped up and down.

"Mom! I've been selected for the crowning!!!" I cried, and she started jumping with me.

Ever since I was a little girl I've wanted to be a leader in government. Not because of the fame or riches, but because I want to make things right. Like food for the poor and a way to eliminate crime! The only problem was, I don't want the prince in my way. And If I want a shot at being queen, I need to make that air head prince like me.

I hope I can find a way to make him love me. And who knows, Maybe I'll love him back.

I unrolled the note and discovered it was an invitation!

Dear Prospective Participant of the Crowning,

We request your presence at the masquerade ball to start off the crowning competition. The ball will take place on the twelfth of December. A carriage will arrive at your house two days before the ball on the tenth of December, to take you to the castle. You do not need to pack anything, for everything will be provided for you. We look forward to seeing you and good luck!

Royally yours,

King Leonard and Queen Adrianna of Goodwin

Wait December 10th?!?!? That's Tomorrow!!!!!!!


Authors note:

Hey guys!! Please comment and vote. I could really use the criticism, so give me some pointers (I'm new at this). I need 10 votes to do the next chapter.

Thx again

~Taylor Tydings

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