CHAPTER 6 First Day On The Job

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(3 moths later... Max is wearing her uniform before she leave she took a exited look in the mirror... then Madison walks where max is)
Madison: will you stop checking on yourself you look fine. Max: I don't know feeling kinda nervous. Madison: that's normal now go I don't want you to be late. You be careful okay come back to me... I love you (she hugs max) Max: I love you to I'll be fine. Madison: you better.
(Max looks over her shoulder and smiled as Madison smiles back then winked then the door shut closed)

(Max finally arrived to the station as she sees the chief of the police) Officer Mayhem: You are Maxine Baker? Max: Yeah you can call me Max. Chief: ok max now ready to have your first action? Max: always ready for action
Cop1: Sir she's 16 and on the job there's no way she can handle the streets. Chief: officer Derick I know that but if she jumped and saved... what was it you're Bestfriend? Max: 17 year old Madison. Chief: right right if didn't saved 17 year old Madison and almost cost her her life then I wouldn't even hired her right now so I suggest you to get back to the office and do you're researches before your going to be the one to be fired. Cop1: yes sir.... Chief: Alright where was I oh yes max baker you're name here will be BA16 stands for Beginner A just a letter and you're age 16 Max: But chief what happens whenever I change ages like when I have birthdays and stuff? Chief: Ya gotta point ok then we'll scratch off BA16 and Make it BIA1 Which stands for Beginner investigator 1 Max: Much Better. Chief: Alright so first things first Do you have a drivers license? Max: Yeah Why? Chief: Here's you're first assigned place see who's been selling alcohol DUIs And underage drinking if you can do that you'll be fine in the work force field. Max: Roger that. Chief: Go get them tigger.

(Max gets in the police Car)
Max: Okay.... 9381 WS at 55r. Let's sees gonna get busted ( walkie talkie it's the chief) chief: BIA1 respond if you can hear me. Max: Go for BIA1. Chief: Status me. Max: I just got in the car I found a speed demon. I'll get back to you. Chief: Alright go ahead fill me in when you get back in the car. Max: Copy That.

(Max gets out of the car there's a twist max stops her father Stan) Max: Sir do you - Oh come on! Alright I guess we have to do this.
Sir did you know why I stop you? Stan: Max? You're a police? Max: License and registration please? ( he hands max the license max went back to the car and look at the information.. then went back to Stan.) Max: Just as I thought you were drinking while driving sir I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the vehicle please. (He gets out of the car) Stan: you're arresting you're own father? Max: sir now is not a good time you have a right to remain silence everything you do and say is in counter the law if can be used to against you. Put you're hands behind you're back and lead up against the car. Stan: come on max. Max: sir Please remain silence. (Stan sighs loudly... Max sits Stan to the back set of the car) and drove up the jail. (Max made it back to the station)

Chief: BIA1 you made it. Max: yeah it was a long drive. Stan: that's my daughter. Max: I'm not his daughter. Chief: Oh. Max: here's all you need to know about the suspect he's defiant drinking and driving I also pulled up the breath Elizer he broke the rating almost 650 max. Chief: it can't be. Max: it's all in this stack of information backgrounds papers almost 3-4 pages. Chief: wooow I'm impressed nice work BI you done well not bad for you're first day. Well you get on home I'll see you first thing tomorrow Max: thank you chief: oh BI (Max turns around) Chief: Call me chief billy. Max: will do. Chief: Good.

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