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Hi Everybody!

Got some bad news. I am sure you've all noticed, it takes me quite a long time to update this story, well that's because I simply don't have the motivation to write it. My lack of motivation is a mix of my mental health issues, the show and it's writers frustrating me on a cosmic level and the fact that the Riverdale fandom is one of the most toxic fandoms I've ever been near (not calling out any one specific. Chill). 

The first season really had me hooked, I mean let's be real the first season was golden, but the second kind of lost me and I'm honestly not sure if I'll even watch the third, so until I've made up my mind on what to do regarding this story, it'll be on hiatus. 

I apologize if you liked the story and was looking forward to the next chapter, but I do believe this is the right decision for me to make. 

Sidenote* I do however have another fic in the works (for a different fandom) so I'll be back at some point

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Sidenote* I do however have another fic in the works (for a different fandom) so I'll be back at some point

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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