Chapter 00

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I sighed as I looked around the classroom, my blue eyes meeting with a pair of brown ones. He stared at me with a shocked expression on his face, and I went over to sit next to him upon the teachers request.

"Y-you're Skylar, right? Skylar Stark?" He asked, and I nodded as I placed my bag down before sitting down at the desk next to him.

"Yeah. Who are you?" I asked as I looked at him.

He was cute, that's for sure, and seemed nothing like that jerk, Flash(an ex-boyfriend from the year before). I gave him a small smile as he went to answer me when the guy that sat on the other side of me smiled in a friendly way as he held a hand out to me.

"Hi! I'm Ned!" He exclaimed, and I smiled at him as I shook his hand.

"Hi, Ned. I'm Skylar." I said with a smile.

I saw Ned mouth to the guy on the other side of me and semi-heard him whisper "she's really hot." The guy facepalmed when I giggled at Ned before turning to him.

"You never told me your name." I said with a small smile, wanting to make some friends.

"Oh." He said with a smile. "It's Peter. Peter Parker."

That name sounded really familiar, and I looked at him.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked him, and he shook his head.

"We've never met before, but I intern for Stark Industries. Maybe Mr. Stark has mentioned me at some point." He said as a few nearby people looked back at us in a nosy way.

"Yeah! That's it!" I exclaimed a bit louder than expected, causing Peter and a few other nearby people to flinch a bit at my sudden outburst. "My dad said he had an amazing intern named Peter. That must be you."

I smiled at him, and he smiled back, seemingly with childish glee as he bounced a bit in his seat.

"He said I was an amazing intern?" He asked excitedly, as if he had never been complimented before.

I nodded and we talked with each other for the rest of class. When the bell finally rang, Ned, Peter, and I all walked down the hallway together, and I talked with the both of them, finding out that we had similar interests like video games, Star Wars(which Ned shouted at me when I said I hadn't seen the first three chapters yet), movies, etcetera. They were just the type of people I wanted to be friends with, but the moment was short lived when two girls walked up to me and hooked their arms with mine and began to drag me off.

"Come on Skylar!" One of them exclaimed in a sassy, snooty voice.

"We promised you that we'd 'hang out' today." The other girl sneered as they smirked at each other.

I gulped, knowing full well that these two hated me. Amanda and Gabby had always bullied me, not caring about the consequences. They said that "a stuck up rich girl" like me should be taught a lesson from time to time. I yelped as they threw me into some lockers.

"Stupid bitch! Hanging out with nerds is a new low, even for you!" Amanda shouted at me as she gripped my hair and tugged me up to my feet.

"You're so fake it's not even believable!" Gabby said as she grabbed my bag and threw it across the hallway.

Tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked them away, determined not to let them have the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"Stupid slut. We're going to ruin you." Gabby said as she took something out of her bag; a bottle of clear liquid.

She then proceeded to dump the whole thing over my head, and the hallway and myself immediately began to reek of alcohol. It stung my eyes and burned my lips as I was thrown to the ground.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" A voice shouted and Gabby and Amanda ran off, not wanting to be caught.

Footsteps raced towards me, but I couldn't open my eyes and risk getting alcohol in them.

"W-who's There??" I said in a slightly higher pitched voice as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Skylar, it's me; Peter." He said as he grabbed my hand and lifted me to my feet. "Why did they do that to you..?"

I coughed a bit as I tried to wipe the alcohol from my eyes and mouth, Peter helping me by using his dry sweatshirt to wipe some away. I slowly opened my eyes to see him frowning a bit as he continues to wipe my cheeks and forehead.

"What the hell happened...?" Ned asked as he slowly walked over, holding my bag in his hands.

"Stupid bullies, that's what." Peter said with his eyebrows furrowed as he finished drying my face, yet it didn't stop it from burning. "I'm going to make sure you get home okay."

"I-it's Fine. There's probably a limo or something outside waiting for me...." I mumbled sadly as I went over to Ned and grabbed my bag, which he held out to me. "Thank you.... I-I'll see you guys tomorrow, I guess."

I felt a hand in mine for a moment before it was retracted and something was left in my hand. I looked down at it and it was a phone number. I looked up and Peter gave me a lopsided smile, and I returned the awkward smile before waving to him and Ned.

"Tell Mr. Stark I said hi." Peter comments, and I smile a bit more.

"Me too!" Ned shouted.

"I will. Bye guys." I said as I waved to them before leaving and heading out to the limo.

Once I got in, my father looked over at me and raised an eyebrow.

"You know, I can smell the booze on you, kid. What did you do? Did you party too hard or something?" He asked, a somewhat angered look on his face as he saw I was drenched.

I felt tears prick in my eyes.

"It's those damn girls again! I thought switching out of their class would help, but it didn't!" I shouted as the limo began to drive off back to our house. "It would've all been worse if Peter hadn't shown up to stop them...."

My dad's head shot up at that.

"You talking about Parker?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

I nodded and he sighed and shook his head, a small smile on his face.

"That kid...." He mumbled.

"He says hi by the way. So does our friend Ned." I said. "I doubt you know who he is, though."

Dad nodded.

"Not a clue." He said with a smirk. "Hey, why don't we head home, you get showered and into some clean clothes, and we make you something to help with your bully problem?"

The smirk on his face made me think it was some type of weapon or something, but I giggled and shrugged anyways.

"That sounds great dad." I said with a smile and go to hug him, but he stops me.

"When your done with your shower I'll give you a big hug, but now, don't touch the suit, sweetie." He said, and I nodded, giggling.

He always knew how to make me feel better.

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