Satsuki Shinomiya X Female Reader Lemon

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A/N: This is old and cringy (wrote this like 7 years ago lmao) I've tried revising a bit but it's too painful for me to re-read lmaoooo

WARNING: This story contains graphic content that is not suitable for children. If you are uncomfortable with sexual content, i kindly ask you to turn back.


"____-chan? Can you help me with something?" Nanami's voice interrupted the silence that had occupied your dorm room for 

some time. You were currently laying on your bed, wracking your brain for some hint of an idea for your song lyrics. Needless to say, you had absolutely no ideas

You sigh and stand up from your bed to walk over to Nanami's desk. "What is it?"

"Sorry to bother you, but i can't seem to get-"


You and Nanami jump at the sudden loud noise. You turn around to see Syo standing in your doorway looking slightly breathless. "Nanami-chan! ____-chan! I need your help! Me and the guys were playing soccer and Ren kicked the ball and it hit Natsuki in the face and his glasses fell off and now Satsuki is on a rampage!" You felt the blood drain from your face. You absolutely adored Natsuki but his "not-so-friendly side" was a force to be reckoned with

"You have GOT to be kidding me..." You facepalmed and looked at Haruka. "Ok let's get this over with."

All three of you rushed outside to meet the other members of STARISH, who were impatiently looking around

"FINALLY! We have to hurry! Satsuki got away from us and we have no god damn clue where he is! We have to split up!" Tokiya practically screamed. Everyone already had a pair of glasses that Syo had kept as spares in case of emergency.

"Me and Masato will go look around the garden area!" Cecil said, already leaving with said person.

"I guess Ittoki and I will go look around the guys dorm." Tokiya said.

"I will take My Lady and look around the girls dorm." Said Ren, winking at Nanami and grabbing her hand.

'Why would Satsuki be in the girls dorm...?' You thought. 'Well it is Ren we're talking about here. Of course he would suggest the girls dorm...'

You looked at Syo, seeing how he was the only one left. "Well i guess it's just us now, shall we look in the school?"

"Yeah, let's hurry. You have no idea what he's capable of sometimes..." A grave expression crossed his face while he started towards the school with you at his heels.

--------------------------------------------------------*Time Skip*------------------------------------------------------

"Dammit!! Where the hell could he be?!" Syo punched the wall, looking highly agitated from having searched for about an hour and a half. "We've looked EVERYWHERE!!!" 

"Syo, calm down. We will find him sooner or later. We have to keep our heads cool." You looked at him sympathetically.

"Sigh...I know. Let's keep looking."


You started to follow Syo when all of the sudden you were yanked into a classroom. A hand covered your mouth before you could scream. Your captor shut the door quietly, clicking the lock in place. It was dark, and your eyes weren't adjusted to the darkness of the room yet so you had no idea who had grabbed you. All that you knew was that you were being roughly pushed against the wall with a hand over your mouth, muffling your voice.

"____? ____!! Where are you?!" You could hear Syo's rapid footsteps coming back towards the classroom and attempted to let out even a small sound to get his attention but the person who grabbed you tightened their grip on you in a warning.

Satsuki Shinomiya X Female Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now