Ch. 3 Stella's Creator

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-Jason pov

It took everything to keep myself from transforming in front of everyone. I decided to go to this college and pretend to be a student. Revealing myself won't be a good start. One by one, I took them out. I hoped that I didn't show my full strength. The ones that were still conscious dragged the others and the wheelchair towards the cars and left. I started to relax and looked back at Y/N to see her huddled against the wall. She was much like a small, frightened child. I wanted to apologize for watching her when she was getting dressed earlier, but that would blow my cover. I slowly walked towards her and got on one knee. She was shaking beyond control. Her eyes were scared but also relieved.

"Who are you?" She whispered. I smiled hoping that she would calm down and trust me.

"I am Jason. A transfer student.         I was the original owner of the porcelain doll by that house." I explained. I made her for a little girl that named Kelly I thought was my friend. She broke the doll in anger which hurt my "heart". Seeing how gentle Y/N was with the pieces, how precise she was when she fixed her, how well she takes care of her, it gave me relief and peace. Y/N was quiet for a second.

"Sorry. I-I didn't know that she was yours. I still have her if you want her back." She said as she started to calm down. I smiled.

"You can keep her. Just take care of her. It took a long time to make her." I replied. I'll be able to see her as long as she has it. She smiled slightly. She looked around for a moment. I knew that Y/N was looking for her wheelchair.

"I'm sorry for not getting the wheelchair back." I said as she looked back at me.

"I can carry you back to your room, if you want." I offered. She was quiet but nodded her head. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I lifted her off the ground. We were quiet as I carried her to her apartment. She unlocked the door and I carried her into her bedroom.

"Are you going to be ok?" I asked. She smiled a little and nodded.

"Thanks for helping me earlier." She said. I nodded my head and locked the door before leaving. I walked down the street and walked to my "dorm". I opened my blue door and walked into my workshop. I looked at one of the toys I was working on, but I didn't feel like finishing it tonight. I walked over to the other end the look through the eyes of Stella to check on Y/N.

-Your pov

I crawled on my desk chair and pushed myself around my apartment. It wasn't as good as my wheelchair but it'll do until I get it back. I had dinner and worked on my homework for a while until I got tired. I pushed myself back to my bed and got ready to sleep. As I rested my head I could have sworn that I saw Stella move her eyes. I let the thought drift away as my eyes closed and I fell asleep. Tomorrow was a crafting class. I was looking forward to finally making something.


"Aright everyone. Today is the day we start working on turning out ideas into a reality. I want all of you to make something with a partner this week." The teacher said.

"Fuck." I thought in my head. This was the only thing that worried me last night. It's the same every time. I get paired with a reluctant, lazy partner who doesn't do shit, but takes all the credit.

"The person you choose will be your partner for the rest of the year. Put your minds together and make something unique." The teacher finished before signaling all of us to find a partner. I didn't move. There was no point. I'll be stuck with someone that will try to avoid making any contact. I watched as everyone paired up with friends. I realized that I was the only one without a partner.

"Y/N, do you have a partner?" My teacher asked. I shook my head.

"W-well I guess there can be a group of three. You can be with-" He said before the door burst open.

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