Ch. 10 Goodbye

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-Jason pov

I spent a good ten minutes releasing hell. I yelled. I screamed. I hit the walls of my workshop. I just couldn't get myself to calm down.

"You were going to be beautiful Y/N." I growled as I grabbed an old chair and threw it against the wall.

"I promised you that I would protect you." I said as I walked towards the broken chair.

"I promised that it wouldn't hurt. I promised!" I screamed as I smashed the remaining pieces with my foot. I froze when I heard a door open followed by someone crying. I recognized the voice and looked out the window. Y/N got back to her apartment. I changed back to normal as I ran over to the window and watched her shadow coming into her room. She had a bag and was packing clothes and essentials. When she was done packing the main stuff, she started grabbing pictures, trophies, ribbons, important documents, and other memories. All that was left in her room was furniture and lights. She stopped and looked at Stella. Her cries faded into shaking breaths as she approached Stella.

"What are you doing Y/N?" I said as she moved the hair aside.

-Your pov

I knew what I had to do to Stella. It broke my heart to see the smile on her face. I couldn't help but doubt my capability to do it.

"I-I thought you were more than a true friend Jason.     I liked you." I said before I picked up the doll and carried it to the balcony before holding it over the ledge.

"I'm hurt Jason. I've been betrayed by friends before, but not like this." I said as I looked at the doll's eye.

"I know I saw a lot, I'll admit it. But you want to turn me into a doll. The only thought in my mind is that I can't keep Stella. Because you might always be watching me. Trying to find me. I have to break her Jason. And then, I have to leave the campus.         I'm telling you all of this because I still care about you." I said while I looked into Stella's eyes hoping that Jason could hear me. Hoping that he'd understand.

-Jason pov

I could see the tears falling endlessly from her eyes.

"Y/N don't. Even if you do, I'll keep looking for you." I said hoping that she wouldn't shatter the doll. I could see her shaking.

"Goodbye Jason." She said with her trembling voice.

"No!" I shouted as she closed her eyes and looked away. The doll was still in her hands. She gritted her teeth trying to get herself to drop the doll. I was frozen, waiting for her to drop Stella onto the pavement below. Y/N opened her eyes and looked at the doll. She shook her head for a moment before bringing the doll close to her. I could hear crying as she hugged Stella tightly.

"I can't do it Jason. I can't.            I           I love you." She said between her cries. I could hear her going back into her apartment to grab her bag. She looked past Stella's eyes as if she was looking at me. She then put the doll in a separate bag blocking my vision. All that was left was the sound of her cries as she was leaving her apartment.

"You really love me?" I said in shock. I turned away from the window and looked down at my rotting black hands. My anger was overflowing. Not at her,    but at me. I turned completely as I yelled in anger and fell onto my knees before crying. It was my fault. My fear became real.

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