Chapter 2: Come on... Wake up, You Loser...

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Author's note: Minor swearing in this chapter, but most of it is bleeped out... not like the last chapter; teehee. Happy reading!

The next day (or so I assume it is the next day) I wake up to find Ma bent over me, worry plastered to her face. Summer wipes a cloth on my forehead; it's cold, despite my being a werewolf. I try to sit up, but Dad places a relatively strong hand on my shoulder and whisper 'Be still, Tobias... Rest as you probably need it...' Ma takes the cloth from Summer, wrings it out, and dabs it on my forehead. 'Like this, dear; dab, don't wipe.' Summer takes the cloth from Ma again and dabs my forehead with it.

'Where's Ash?' I ask. Dad runs his fingers through my midnight-toned hair and mutters 'I have no idea where that boy went; hopefully he's not another Chas...' My parents have had enough s--t happen in their lives; they don't need more. Sage bounds into the room, a shaken look on her face and a clump of something in her fisted hand. She opens it to reveal fur; brown fur, Asher's fur... Despite Dad's instructions to lay down and rest, I sit bolt-upright in my bed and mutter 'I shouldn't have acted like such a d--che towards him...' Ma kneels down by my bedside and whispers 'What happened between the two of you, Tobias? Tell Mummy everything...'

An hour later, Ma lets go of me, after holding me for so long, and says 'Ah, I see; he angered you and you reacted physically. That is an example of physical abuse, Tobias; your father and I taught you to be better than that.' I nod and lay back down, my mind racing with thoughts about my brother.




Wow... I can't belive it took three hours to get rid of Sage; sometimes she's so controlling... I think I might be shedding or someth- aaaaahh! I have a bald patch; I'm not shedding, I'm balding! This is not good; I'm going back home!

As I run back home, I realize how much it means to Tobias that I be there for him. He's my brother, and despite our differences, I love him... no matter what comes between us, and how it grew in the past year. We were so good together, and then that had to happen.




Asher runs in without so much as a 'hello' to any of us. What could possibly have happened to cause it? Something is suspicious, and I want to know what. As I walk up to Ash and tap his shoulder, he mutters 'I know what you want, Tobias. I swear I...' cough 'I'm fine.'



'If something's wrong, you can tell us, Ash. There's nothing wrong with that.'

'I know, but... I feel like something bad's gonna happen to Chas...'

Sage is enraged at this comment. 'You're always feel like something bad's gonna happen, Ash.' Now Asher is infuriated, as well. 'You know what, Sage? F--k you! That's right; I said 'F--k you!'' He storms out without another word. Sage sighs and whispers 'I hate him Toby; when he's around, I can't get a word in edgewise...' Surprisingly, I know what she means.

Absent Moon: Sequel to Bark at the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now