"Oh my God it's Eden!" I practically scream. I hear Day stand up quickly and rush to the door. Eden stands with Anden, who looks angrily at Day.
"Well June, I had to keep my promise. Eden is here safely. Hello Mr. Wing," Anden says formerly. I smile at him and wrap my arms around him for a hug.
When I pull away from Anden, Day and him are in a glaring competition. Neither one of them is winning and Eden stands in front of Day looking curiously at me.
"Your pretty, June. I'm guessing your the soldier all the guards were talking about?" Eden asks, looking me up and down. My heart swells a bit with pride.
"Thanks. I'm probably not who they were talking about though," I say shyly, blushing red. Day and Anden laugh at the same time.
"Of course they were talking about you, June. You're an amazing soldier. Oh yes, that reminds me, have you come to a decision?" Anden asks biting his lip. Damn he looks cute when he does that. Wait, what?
"Yes I will be your Princeps in Training as long as I get to see Day. Sometimes," I reply, looking at Day's expression. Anden nods, his consent and leaves, smilingly.
"So, are you two going to start making out? If so please tell me, I don't want to see that," Eden says, only slightly teasing. Day and I look at each other for a split second, before I jump on him, my legs around his hips. We don't kiss though. We just look at each other, "Oh God! Just tell me when you guys will have any physical contact please!"
Day and I laugh, and he carries me to the couch and sits down, me straddling him, "Eden, when you get to be my age, you will like the view of June's ass," Day says, smirking a tad bit.
"I didn't say I didn't enjoy June's ass. I said I don't want to see her doing 'it' with you!" Eden says, smuggly. Day rolls his eyes. I'm about to jump off of him, when he grabs my hips. He shakes his head, not yet.
We sit there for a second, before Eden gets uncomfortable, and pretends he has to go to the bathroom. I don't get off Day though, because he starts to kiss me before I can.
His hands slide down onto my butt. My hands run through his hair and I pull myself up, so I am above him, looking down. I moan as he starts to kiss down my neck, biting here and there. I tug on his hair a bit, before slipping my hands under his shirt. My hands trace the muscles, that cover his back.
I hope Eden comes back soon, before this gets too escalated. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stop, but I don't want Eden to walk in on a more compromising situation.
"Jeez! I was away for two minutes guys!" Eden squeals, covering his eyes with his hands. I jump off of Day, resulting in me falling on the floor. Eden starts laughing, keeling over, grabbing at his stomach, "You should have seen your faces!"
Day and I glare at him. I get up, realizing they probably need sometime alone, after being apart so long, "I need to talk to Anden. You guys can stay here if you want."
I stand up off the floor and head towards the door. I probably should go see Anden, about the scheduling, of my training.
I'm glad Eden is safe, and with Day. Not just because, Anden fullfilled his promise, but because Day was so worried about him. I reminds me of, how Metias used to worry about me. He even took days off of work, when it wasn't nessessary, if I even had a slight head-ache.
Tears sting my eyes, but I refuse to let the fall. Metias would want me to be strong. He wouldn't want to me to have the Republic's greatest criminal, for a boyfriend, but he would want me to be strong. Possibly a Princeps.
The walk to Anden's office really isn't that far, but at the slow pace I'm walking, it takes a while. The whole way I think of a schedule, that may work.
"Anden!" I scream through the door, which shakes everytime I hit it. Anden comes out of his office, and looks at me warrily, "I think we need to discuss a schedule, for my princeps training."
Anden nods and lets me in, "What have you come up with so far, June?" He asks, a smile on his face.
"Well, I can just work with you earlier. I mean you will still be working on stuff, before the other Princeps Elect, get here, right?" I ask uncertainly. He nods and I go on, "I can just leave earlier. Let's say I got up two hours earlier, then I then I would get off two hours earlier."
"You will becoming four hours earlier, than the others. By that I mean you will be here, dressed and ready, by 6:00 am. Got it?" Anden replies.
I nod, hug him, say goodbye, and leave. The visit didn't take as long as I thought it would, but I had to leave right after I talked to him. He was about to pick out new guards for his protection and that is way more important, than scheduling.
As I walk towards my apartment building, I hear the shrill screaming, of an ambulance. It passes by me speeding down the street. I don't think much of it, with the war, injuries happen a lot.
When I get a block away from my apartment, the ambulance passes by me again. I race towards my house, dodging passersby and stumblingg up the steps.
I slam the door open and gasp at what I see. Eden stands still, tears streaking down his face, murmering these five words, over and over again,"He might not make it. He might not make it. He might not make it."
After June leaves, Eden and I decide to play poker. I don't know if I can beat him now. I haven't played the game in a while.
"Two gueens and Two kings, I win Day," Eden says smuggly. I look at my cards and pretend to be sad.
"Damn it! I really wanted that candy! Good thing I'm going to get it," I say proudly, " In your honor, a royal flush, straight in diamonds,"
I smile at him taking the candy, before pain shoots in to my skull. I grab my head and groan.
"Day? Day, are you okay?" Eden asks worredly. I shake my head, and dizziness overtakes me. I tumble out of my chair, tears leaking out of the side of my eyes. I don't want to look weak in front of Eden, but I can't help it, "Day, I'm going to call 911 okay?" I don't answer though. I barely even hear him.
Darkness over takes me before I can even nod.
Sorry that it took so long to update. I have six different stories that I've been working on and it is kind of hard to update so much. FROM NOW ON I WILL UPDATE EVERY FRIDAY!

A Different Champion
RomanceTHIS IS REALLY REALLY OLD!! I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS SUPER YOUNG SO BE WARNED!!! This takes place right before Prodigy ends, when Day breaks up with June. Day ends up telling June about his brain tumor instead of breaking up with her. This is a diffe...