Doctor's Office

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After becoming June's slave for the day, unfortunetly not the way I wanted to, I had to go to the doctor's for my brain tumor.

I sit in the white, antiseptic-smelling, hell hole, that is the waiting room. There are boring magazines gossiping about June and I's relationship and people on voting whether she should be with me or Anden.

I hate to say this, but I really dislike him. He's nice and a good elector, but he did kiss June and he likes June and he almost drooled over her ass today at the track. I don't want to say June is mine because I don't own her, but she is my girlfriend, not his.

I sigh loudly, hoping that everyone will stop staring at me, wondering why The Day is here. I decide to walk around a bit until my name gets called. The waiting room is so small I end up pacing back and forth.

"Day! Day, come follow me the doctor is ready for you!" a nurse calls from an open door.

I follow her and walk through the door. She leads me through, what feels like, hundreds of halls, that only June would be able to remember, her first time walking through them.

She leads me into a small room and puts me into a chair. I groan knowing I still have to wait. While I wait I think of June.

June is amazing. She's gorgeous, smart, and the best fighter I've seen almost anywhere. Before I can think anything that would not have bee good in this situation, the doctor comes in.

"Hello, Day," He says with a slight accent. The doctor's last name is Greene and he lives up to that name by always wearing something green. Today it's a light green bow-tie over a dark green shirt. He is tall with a rat nest beard and a bald head, "Today is just a routine check-out, am I correct?"

I nod and almost hiss when he puts the stethoscope on my bare skin. Why are they always so cold? He tells me to take a deep breath and I obey. I hate the doctor's office. I don't like check-ups. He writes something down then grabs my arm and takes me to another room.

He measures my height, because I have no records of it, and my weight. He smiles slightly then takes my blood-pressure and blood-sugar. Both good results. Oh good, I can only die slowly and painfully.

After that we go back in to the room. Oh no, the awkward questions are coming.

"Day, how healthy do you think your diet is?" He asks me, sitting in a spinning stool.

"Not very healthy, considering I ate out of trashcans most of my life," I reply feighning annoyance.

"Interesting, do you think you get enough exercise?"

"Yes, I work out everyday at the track now and before that I walked everywhere," I answer. Here comes the awkward question. Please, God, don't let him ask it.

"Are you sexually active?"

There it is! The most awkward question there is.

"I was and now I'm not," I reply truthfully. June and I haven't done anything, no matter how much I wish we had.

He nods, "When do you think you'll become active again?"

How am I supposed to know the answer to that? It's not like I know if I will break up with June or if suddenly out of nowhere she jumps me.

I shrug hoping he stops asking sex questions. Thankfully he does and goes on to questions about my headaches. How long do they last, how high are they on the pain scale, how frequent are they and etc.

Dr. Greene gives me some pain medicine for my headaches and tells me that if they get to be 30 minutes longer or more to go to the hospital immediatly. I nod knowing June would make me do it anyway.

When it is finally over I practically race all the way out the building and to June's apartment.

I knock on her door frantically waiting for her to answer. I need to see her. I just, have to.

Ten minutes later I'm inside June's apartment waiting for her to get home. I play around in her bedroom and kitchen. I don't know why but I stop at her closet. I walk in and see clothes that a soldier would wear. Although I do see the dress June wore in Las Vegas when we went to meet the Patriots. I remember what she looked like in that. Maybe I can get her into wearing it again for me sometime, just for me.

At that moment I hear the front door open. I walk out of the closet and into the livingroom practically scaring the shit out of June.

"Day, you don't live here! If you're going to be here please call me first," she says, laughing a little at the end.

I smile a little and wrap my arms around her waist. She turns around and slams me up against the nearest wall, crushing her lips to mine. I pull out her pony-tail and run my fingers through her glossy hair. She has her hands in my hair, running them through for a while before one hand slips into the back of my t-shirt. Before I get to take it off there is a knock at the door.

I groan, not wanting to let go of June. She smiles apologetically and walks to the door. She opens it and her mouth drops in surprise.

"Oh my God it's......."

To be continued.

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