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I love my friends.
But I also hate them.

You see,
My crush likes me back.
Mila, her girlfriend, and my crush
Were talking.

Mila and her girlfriend,
Were giving my crush ideas
On how to ask me out.
And they weren't even being quiet.

I heard some of what they were talking about.
And I was ahead of them.

I'm dying inside.
Mila and her girlfriend started screaming when the 3 of them started talking.

(In case there's someone who doesn't go to my school: After we have lunch, all the teachers take their students to walk around the building, outside. That's when Mila and the other two started talking.)

When Mila and her girlfriend were screaming, I told my teacher that I was pretty sure I knew why they were screaming.
"Why?" My teacher asked.
"Because someone wants to ask someone else out." That's how I responded.
And I was very close to the actual reason.


My teacher wants me to keep her filled on all the gossip
She said I was going to have to do that.
I was just like "Nu!"

And yeh,
I'm bored.
I don't know why I even made this.
Oh well.

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