The basics.

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What is smut?

Smut(noun) - obscene or lascivious talk, writing, or pictures.

Since we are working with the topic of writing, you'll need to focus on the basic structure of a short-story.


Rising Action


Falling Action

☯Exposition - the first stage of a story. This is basically the introduction of characters and the overall setting; essential information ensuring maximum clarity is introduced here. It is basically the set-up for an enjoyable story.

✿Rising action - occurs after the exposition stage. This occurs as the story is progressing. The main conflict is usually hinted here, and the characters begin to search for solutions. Suspense usually occurs in this stage.

✗Climax - transpires after the rising action stage. This is the turning point of the overall story and the action reaches a peak. Over time, thing that may have occurred during the exposition stage are altered (i.e. characters, setting). The characters decide on a solution to the conflict.

✦Falling action - the final stage of a story; occurs after the climax. This is basically where the story is wrapped up, and any other conflicts are settled. The story is concluded here.

I believe if you understand the basic, solid foundation of a story, it really helps with writing the overall piece (at any literary extent!)

Stages of writing:

Brainstorming - creating an idea for the story.

Outlining - thinking about the structure of a story.

Rough Draft- your unedited product of a story.

Revision - checking over for any literary omissions.

Polishing the story - refining your story by omitting any final errors.

I don't believe this topic is majorly important, so I won't go into any further detail.

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