not so home alone-yoonmin

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Top-Yoongi    Bottom-Jimin 

Warnings-daddy kink

Jimin didn't often have time alone but when he did, he made the most of it. 

The other members had gone out to eat, leaving Jimin to himself. He quickly checked there was no one outside and went to lie on his bed.

Biting his lip in anticipation, he slowly slipped his hand through his jeans then his boxers. He slid his hand up and down his length, letting out small pants and breathy moans. He quickly grew more desperate and slid down his jeans and boxers to gain better access.

His movements became quicker and his moans got louder. As he rapidly pumped his hard member thoughts of a certain hyung crept into his mind. 

He had always been attracted to Yoongi. Jimin had spent countless nights dreaming of Yoongi fucking him into the mattress. The sound of Yoongi's low groans and the slapping of skin filling the room.

"Ah-ah, Yoongi!" Jimin moaned, the friction on his length feeling heavenly; imagining it was Yoongi's hand.

He closed his eyes and threw his head back, letting out high, drawn out moans.

"Ahhhhh-ah-ah-ahhhh, Yoon..yoongiii! Fuck me! Oh god yes! Fuck, just like that-ahhhh" 

His moans grew louder as he got closer. Jimin's movements were growing sloppy with him so close to the edge. 

He was just about to cum when a hand grabbed his wrist. Jimin opened his eyes. Yoongi

<<flashback yoongi pov>>

I decided to stay behind. I wasn't very hungry and I had some work still to do. I remembered Jimin had stayed behind and thought I could hang out with him. I've liked Jimin for a while now. With his cute cheeks and round ass. A lot of the time I could barely keep myself from fucking the younger into next week. 

As I came to Jimin's door I could hear strange noises coming from inside.  I cracked the door open a smidge and was greeted with a beautiful sight.

Jimin was lying on his bed, his hand furiously pumping his dick. The younger's head was thrown back with his eyes scrunched shut letting out loud, high-pitched moans. 

"Ahhhhh-ah-ah-ahhhh, Yoon...yoongi! Fuck me! Oh god yes! Fuck, just like that-ahhhh"


Was he jerking off to me? 

I couldn't hold myself back anymore. 

<<back to present>>

"Yoongi! I was just...I was-ahhhh" Yoongi latched his mouth onto Jimin's neck. Yoongi rubbed the head of Jimin's dick whilst sucking marks into his porcelain skin.

"Y..yoongi! Stop teasing."

Yoongi leaned back, admiring the marks peppered along Jimin's collarbone and neck.

"What do you want me to do sweet cheeks?"

Jimin moaned at the pet name. "Please..please fuck me-ahh" 

Yoongi grinded his crotch against the youngers and smirked at the younger's reaction. "Please Yoongi! Touch me!"

Yoongi put Jimin's legs over his shoulders and moved his head towards Jimin's crotch. Jimin grew confused when Yoongi went past his dick and was about to ask what he was doing when he felt something warm and wet lick a long stripe from his hole to his balls. "Ahhhhhh! Yoongi, yes!"

Yoongi leant back a little and stared at Jimin's puckered hole. He spread it open with his thumbs, wanting a better view.

"Look at this cute little hole. So pink and tight, just begging for attention."

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