Chapter 1

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Brooke pov 

"Your a horrible child, why did we even keep you when you were born" My dad yelled at me 

"Cause you guys are idiots thats why." I yelled back 

"Your an idiot."

"Your the one who had me at 16." I yelled at my mother 

"You don't talk to us like that." My dad yelled and punched me in the stomach three times and kicked my knee. I laid on the floor and they went to have sex in the bedroom. I grabbed a pack of smokes, a littler, and beer. I headed outside to sit on the tire. 

Dannys pov 

I was driving through Manhattan to get to work and I see this young girl sitting, smoking and drinking a beer. She had to at least be as old as Jack. I get out of my car and walk over to her. 

"What do you want." She said, raised here, she knows who's she talking to 

"Seeing if your okay." 

"Perfect." she says 

"Ok then, just doing my job, heres my card, call me if you need anything.." I said and walked back to my car. Must be her dad, yelled at her. I know this guy, well used to. I drive back to my office and search up Tyler Bisping. Had a lot of drug cases but dropped because they had no evidence. 

"Detective Danny." I said int the phone 

"Hey Danny, Its Jamie." 

"What up kid." 

"Do happen to know a Brooke Bisping." HIs kid 

"Yeah, why." 

"Eddie and I reported to a girl found on the stairs unconscious, and she was pushed into the wall and pushed down two decks of stairs, Danny. I found your card, so I called you." 

"What hospitable is she at." 

"Manhatten hospitable." 

"Be there soon." I said, and hung up. I grabbed my gun, my coat and walked out. 

Brooke's pov 

After that cop left my dad came out and asked why I was talking to a cop. When you get raised her you know what a cop looks like. I said I wasn't but he didn't believe me so he pulled me inside the hose, kicked me, pushed me into the wall and pushed me down the stairs. Then everything went back. 

I open my eyes and I see I'm in a hospitable, I start freaking out, what are my parents going to do, what did my parents do. " Mam, you need to stop." Someone said, probably a nurse. I see someone filmier, it was that cop from earlier. He walked in my room. 

"Brooke, I'm Detective Danny Reagan." 

"You already know my name." 

"Care to explain what happened." 

"Nothing, I fell down the stirs. Thats all."

"Don't lie to me, then I can't help you."

"I don't need your help." 

"You have two broken ribs, a mild concussion, a broken leg, and a broken arm. Tell me what happened." 

"Why do you want to help a poor kid like me." 

"Look at you Brooke, my son is as old as you. If I seen him life that, I would be acting like I am to you. So tell me what happened." 

"No." I said, I didn't want them to get in trouble

"Ok, you have to stay the night, they'll be an officer outside your door if you need anything." he said, and walked out. 

Dannys pov 

I walked into my dads house and sat at the table. "You finally show up." Erin says 

"Sorry, had a case." 

"How is she." Jamie asked 

"Not talking and not expecting to talk for a while." I said to him 


"Eddie and I reported to a girl found on the stairs unconscious in Manhattan, at first we thought well its probably someone who overdosed. Nope it was a teen girl around Jacks age. 2 broken ribs, a mild concession, A broken leg, ad a broken arm." Jamie said 

"I met her this morning on my way to work." I said 

"What do you think happened." 

"When I was driving away, her dad started to yell t her, so probably both of her parents, because We've meant them before."

"Who." Erin asks


"Poor girl." Erin says 

"Yeah, and I can't do anything to help her since she won't talk." 

"She will, let her realize whats happening." My grandpa says 

The boys and I hop in my car and we head back to our house. "Dad, how old is the girl." 

"About 15, your age." 

"Does she go to our school." 

She doesn't go to school anymore." I said 


"Nothing, go get ready for bed." I say to both of them as we pull up the driveway.

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