Chapter 3

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Brooke's pov 

Maybe Danny isn't that bad, he really does want me to have a better childhood then I do now. wait what going to happen to me if my parents get arrest, is he going to send me on the streets or am I going to be an orphan. I don't want to be an orphan. "Whats going to happen to me if m parents get arrest." 

"I already found you a family that you can stay with. You'll be fine." he said, he's going to give me away like I'm a puppy. Im not a puppy, I don't want to be given away. Maybe he is bad. 

We walk into the precent and Danny hands me a pop and a bag of Doritos. "Brooke this is Beaz my partner."

"Hi." I siad, and took a seat

"Follow me." Danny said, I followed him and we go into this room where I can see both of my parents. 

"They can see me, why am I I here." 

"They think its a mirror, well since they've been here before they know people are behind it but they don know its you." He said 

"Stay here, and listen." 

"Make sure she doesn't run away." He says to a cop thats standing by the door, then he walks in front of the mirror. 

Dannys pov  

"Why did you hurt your daughter."

"She deserved it, she's worthless, a horrible child." Her dad said 

"No, she's a great child. She just doesn't get a normal child hood because of you goofs." 

"I got to meet your daughter, she's really nice, when you get to know her." 

"Keep your hands off of my daughter." 

"Soory, you lost your parents right as soon as you broke 2 of her ribs, broke her leg, arm and gave her a mild concussion by pushing her down the stairs." I said 

"She deserved it, all kids deserved to. There a disgrace to the world." 

"You where a kid." 


"So, your a disgrace to the world." Beaz said 

"Whats going to happen to our daughter." Her mom asks 

"She's going to get put into a house where she has a family who will love her and support her, no matter what." I said 

"Book them." Beaz said 

"She just started to run, she ran right passed me." 

"You had one job." I yelled and chased after her. We got outside.

"Brooke, stop." I yelled, she kept running, I ran faster, I got in front of her

"Why should I, your just going to give me away to a random family, who might just turn out like my parents." 

"They won't, I promise." 

"How do you, I should just live on the streets I made it so far." 


"How do you know these family will love and support me." 

"Because its me." 

"No, you don't have to." 

"I told you, I want to. You deserve to have a loving family, and my boys and I can give that to you, plus my family." she hugs me 

We hop in my car and drive back to my house. We wait for the boys to get home from basketball practice. "How was practice." 


"Deadly." Sean says 

"We'll, go change were going shopping for Brooke." I said, since it was Friday

Sean come down then Jack, we hop in the car and Jack sits in the front, Sean and brooke sit in the back. 

"Might want to pick out some nice clothes, you'll be starting 9th grade after Christmas break." I said and she got happy, she picked out clothes , stuff for her room and we got food. Of course. 

After the shopping we went to Taco Bell and ate there. We brought everything inside the house. "Ok, rules. Brooke. One: on Sunday you will always come to church and sunday dinner at my family house, unless you don't feel well and your sick. Two: Curfew is 9 during the school year, weekday and ends. Three: NO more drinking or smoking. Do we have a understanding." 

"Yes we do." she said, and her, Sean, and Jack went to help her decort

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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