Chapter 3

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AN: since I have a whole 17 viewers... imma start proofreading! Yay me. Sorry for all the past bad grammar, there will be less mistakes from now on! Hope you enjoyyyy!

Back to Jimin's POV:
There's nothing on TV right now I think as I press the 'next channel' button too many times to remember. I wish Yoongi would get his ass back home, so we could go to the gym already.

I decide to go alone when he doesn't show up in the next 30 minutes. I pick out a white t-shirt and black basketball shorts. I put my tennis shoes on and right when I'm about to leave I see Suga's car pull up and I lean down to get eye level with the window.

"Gym?" I say rather loud, trying to push my voice through the glass. I press my finger to the window, dragging it down leaving a finger print mark, smiling. I like seeing him mad.

"Babe" he smiles. He knows I did it on purpose. "Let me get dressed. Mind waiting in the car for a second?" He says and I go to the passengers side.

"Nope. Hurry up though I'm bored" I say, climbing over the step to get into the car. He climbs out and jogs to the front door. He unlocks the door and runs inside.

I play with the pit bull chain around the mirror he uses to reverse. I smile. He's my pit bull. Sometimes I think he cares too much about what people say. I ignore everyone most of the time and avoid their judgement.

He's back in barely anytime with loose fabric shorts and a matching top with Balenciaga shoes that run up to his ankles. He's sort of out of breath when he re-enter the vehicle.

"Damn you already got your work out in?" I joke and he does a closed mouth smile, shoving his keys in the transmission, but before he starts the car he reaches behind the seat to grab a box.

"I got you a present. I was at the store on the way home and I found these and it looked like you'd like them" He says smiling, I haven't seen him this happy since his new pistol. He hands me the box which has a ribbon around it. I wonder if he did that.

I open it up. They're shoes with kiss Velcro and then a thought bubble, inside it says 'blind for love' I laugh. "Why'd you do this?" I smile and look up at him. "You really didn't have to" my smile turns into a happy frown. My lips curling.

"I got it because you must've been blind when you met me because I'm UGLY dawg" He says laughing, for real this time. I laugh back. He's the cutest I don't know what he means.

"Shut up STUPID" I laugh, putting the shoes back in the box carefully, then putting it down near my feet.

We get to the gym quick enough and his parking is almost perfect this time.

"Hey I have a question" I ask. I hate doing this but lately it's been hurting me. I sigh.

"What's wrong" He says, his face seems worried but barely. He turns his head a little to the left, closing his door, meeting eyes with me.

"Can you leave your gun in the car? And your knife? I just don't want you to get hurt ya know? We're gonna be moving and I don't want something to accidentally happen" I say, I know he's not gonna hurt himself but I just don't want violence anymore. It's becoming more psychotic now.

"Oh. Sure" he says, if I wasn't mistaken I could hear some disappointment mixed with sadness in his voice. Is he really THAT attached to his weapons. I sigh.

I grab his hand and walk into the Planet Fitness with him.

We sit next to each other on the weight bench and start with 15 pounds, then 25, and eventually I move to 50 and he moves to 150. I've always been astounded by how strong he is and how much he's trained. I'm proud.

"Hey could you pass me a towel?" A man with a defined nose and rather plump lips ask me as I look up at him. His hair is in a bowl shape and he smiles faintly.

"Oh yeah sure. Sorry" I chuckle. "Here you go" I say, handing him the white towel. He wipes his forehead but doesn't move. "Do you need anything else?" I say, kindly.

"Oh I'm Jin, I moved here recently. I just want to make some friends." He laughs nervously and I shake his hand. His smile makes his whole face crease, but not in a bad way, not an any way.

"I'm Jimin, nice to meet you" I say, smiling. "How long have you been here?" I ask, wondering, because Yoongi and I moved here around the same time and it would've been cool if we all moved around the same time.

"About a week. I still need a job. I don't have anything else to do. Do you know anyone?" I laugh, turning to Suga, sweat drips down his face, his biceps gradually get smaller as he puts the weight down, damn he looks fine as hell.

"Hey babe, do you have any open positions" i ask with a ring to it. I don't want to bluntly say it in a gym, even though weed is legal in California right now, gang activity is not and someone could easily piece it together if they tried.

"Oh. Um not right now" he shrugs. "Maybe soon" he says, getting back to lifting. His arms sweat more than his face, as his arms grow stronger.

"Here, give me your number. I'll text you when he comes to his senses" I chuckle and I hand him my phone. He punches in the numbers and out of the corner of my eye I see Suga looking at me but I don't mind it much.

"Thank you! You're the nicest person I've been so far!" He says. "It's surprising I know, I'm" He moves his hand up to his chin, "worldwide handsome" I face palm as I laugh softly.

"I think we'll be good friends" I laugh as I start lifting again and he moves back to where he started.

"I'd prefer you not to talk to random people" Suga says as I hop in the Lamborghini, being careful. I don't want to startle him while he already looks pretty intimidating.

"What do you mean? I have barely any friends. Why can't I just have one" i say, kind of annoyed, kind of upset. " and why couldn't you help him? He just moved here, has no friends, or a job" I say, this time I'm the expressionless one.

"It's not as easy as it seems" he says, starting the car.

"Well it seems like you were being an asshole to him." I say, this time it's even more sad for me to talk to him like this. I feel bad. We haven't fought anytime recent but it hurts me to even do it rarely, but this means a lot to me.

"I'm not making a lot of money right now" he says, expressionless. One thing I love is when I fight with him, he never fights back.

"How much?" I ask. My eyes are on the road, it seems pointless to look at him right now, because he's not looking at me either.

"It doesn't matter" he says, pulling out of his parking space and moving towards the road.

"Yes it does. We have rent, we have insurance to pay. Now how much are you making?" I ask. I'm scared of the answer. I know things haven't been going that smoothly but I didn't know it's gotten too bad.

"Only about $100 a day, so about $36,000 a year. You can't tell me that's good, or even decent" I look down, that's horrible. I don't want to be discouraging. This isn't good.

"Listen. I can get a couple shifts at a fast food place or something. We can get through this" I say, I hold his thigh and rub my left thumb in circles on it. "It'll be okay"

"You don't need to do that" he says, looking sadder than his normal.

"Yes I do baby, I'll do it for us"

I'm thiqqening the plot. Also if you're reading this and you're not my bsf PLS COMMENT I WANNA KNOW PLS 💗💗💗

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