Chapter 2

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*yoongi's POV*
I wake up next to Jimin, he looks precious sleeping so I leave him be. I climb out of the bed and open my nightstand to grab a headband, sometimes I can't stand my long hair. I hold my bleached hair back and I slide the headband up to my forehead.

I open the closet and grab one of Jimin's black hoodies and then black sweatpants. As I'm removing my pajama pants I notice I'm hard from overnight. I grab my dick, sliding the sweatpants over it. Fuck sweatpants aren't good for this, good thing my customers aren't on some gay ass shit like me.

I pick up my keys off the dresser and open the door quietly, being careful not to awake my baby. I hold the handle down to avoid any loud noises. I grab a brown sugar and cinnamon pop tart and my handgun from the counter. I put my gun behind my shirt and in the waistband if the back of my bottoms just like when I first got it.

I'm also careful when I close the house door, I open the garage. I press my keychain, opening the scissor doors to my Lamborghini. I'm careful not to scuff the edges of it. I close the door and pull my gun out of my waistband, I throw it on the dashboard, it sliding down the slight incline. I rev the engine before pull it out of the garage.

I feel free as I lean back and speed down the hills in Cali. fuck I feel good. My hand grips around the gun as a I pull it up. I put my finger to the side of the trigger, examining it.

Before I know I'm at Jonathan's house, he's a whole asshole but he tips well.

I knock four times, and five seconds later 2 more times. My patience is running out because when he doesn't come to the door after that I slam my gun into the window next to it almost cracking the glass.

"Jesus Christ, put that away when did you get a fucking pistol instead of your puny revolver" he chuckles a little until he doesn't see my expression change. I hand him the 12g and keep my hand out for the money.

"Make it quick. I don't have all day." I say, once again getting annoyed. My right left moves to the side, distributing my weight.

"About that. I'll get it to you next time."  My eyebrows furrow a little when he says that and he looks kind of scared.

"What did I fucking say about that? I want my fucking money, you think this is a game?" I say genuinely asking. I don't want to be away from Jimin for too long.

"Oh please. What's $160 to you? You literally drove over here in a matte black Lamborghini." He laughs again and I guess he doesn't realize that makes me angry because his expression goes blank when I aim my pistol in between his eyebrows. "Whoa chill out oh my god I'll get it" he says sternly, nearly believable. So I trust him. He closes the door behind him and I knew it was a mistake when I see through the mirror on the side of his door, he's running out the back and into his garage.

I shoot the window on the side and shoot the lock on the door as well. I open the door, grabbing what was originally mine and leave. I don't have time for this shit. That ought to cost $300 at least.

I climb back into my car making my way to the next house, I can't help but think about what me and Jimin did last week. We haven't done that in such a long time and that was so... good. Must be why I keep waking up to a hard on.

All my orders for the rest of the day seem to go well so I put Jimin up or a date, I'm assuming he's home alone bored.

I text him to get in the car when I pull up and he does. I open the door for him so he doesn't possibly mess it up.

He's wearing tight pants and a red loose shirt. His shoes are what you would wear with a tux but he looks cute.

"My hoodie I see" he says smiling and I smile with my eyes back to him. I never smile, I didn't have a very good childhood. I guess it's hard for me to appreciate the little things.

"Well of course. I got to let people know you're mine" I say, expressionless. "Where do you wanna eat babe?" I ask looking at his jeans. I have to stop doing that, I'm wearing sweatpants and its gonna be hella obvious if I get hard.

"Oui!! In-N-Out!" He shouts smiling with teeth. "It's my favorite!!" He smiles and leans his head back.

"Okay big boy lets go get that" I squeeze out a laugh. I park the car and get out and open his door for him. 

My parking isn't the best but it's in the back so no one will even park near me.

"Whoa watch the fucking seat babe" I say kind of mad, he scotches off it softer this time, taking my hand and I help him hop out.

I don't let go of his hand as we walk into the restaurant. We sync up our steps, not on purpose. I smile. I'm happy.

"What are you guys, faggots?" I'm assuming another ignorant American says behind me. He laughs and I let go of Jimin's hand and step closer to him.

"The fuck did you say?" I say, inches closer to him. His head is neck level to me. He's awfully short to be picking on me. "You wanna fuck around some more? Or do you wanna go play with your toys" I laugh, still getting closer until I can't get any closer without it being weird.

"Babe, lets go" Jimin says grabbing my arm but I swiftly whip out my pocketknife. His grip loosens, like he's disappointed.

"Watch what you fucking say" I say, putting the edge of my knife to his neck. "You don't wanna get in trouble do you?" I say tucking the knife back inside itself, it briskly cuts his skin, barely.

I walk away and he stays there.

"That wasn't necessary" Jimin says with a nervous laugh. He holds me tighter. I shouldn't be like this. I don't know why I am.

Alright bye love u

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