The New Girl chapter 1

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Im kenzie im home schooled ive been my whole life this year im going to public for the first time im so nervous but im also really excited im kinda socially awkward but i have a secret im not a virgin its a long story.

                                                                             FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL

NARRATOR: its was 6:00 AM kenzie wanted to wake up super early so she could impress everyone with her looks

KENZIE:ugh what time is it ughhhhh

KENZIE: This outfit is so cute im so excited but im so nervous

NARRATOR:its 7:00 AM kenzie is finally done getting ready 

KM(kenzie's Mom)

KM:Kenzie u ready?

KENZIE:yea ill be down in a second 

KM: i packed ur lunch

KENZIE: Thank you

NARRATOR: Kenzie goes downstairs

KENZIE: Morning mom

KM:U excited first day of public school?

KENZIE: yea im also really nervous 

NARRATOR: this is getting boring lets skip to her at school

KENZIE: omg im here! Well lets go!

KENZIE pov: *SEES SOMEONE*OMG who is that hes so hot ahhhhhh

KENZIE pov: OMG hes coming up to me act normal!

?: Hi are u new?

KENZIE:um yea  im mackenzie but u can just call me kenzie

?: nice to meet you im Johnny

KENZIE:um im kinda lost my first class is math in room 203 can u show me there?

JOHNNY: yea sure thats my first class to!

KENZIE: thanks so much its actually my first time going to public school

JOHNNY: o really were u homeschool?

KENZIE:um yea is it obvious?

JHONNY:no just a hunch. Well welcome to northern dancer highschool!

NARRATOR:They wALK to class

?:Hi im annie are u new?

kenzie: um yea im kenzie 

ANNIE:well looks like were friends lol


NARRATOR: to be continued...

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